Create Python GUI Projects with PyQt, PySide, and QT Using Our Setup Wizard | Design Modern UI Interfaces

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Python is a powerful programming language that is widely used for developing graphical user interfaces (GUI) applications. One of the popular libraries for creating GUI applications in Python is PyQt. PyQt is a set of Python bindings for the Qt application framework, which allows Python developers to create highly functional and visually appealing applications.

In this tutorial, we will cover how to set up a PyQt project using a project setup wizard, as well as some tips for modern UI designing.

  1. Setting up PyQt and Qt:
    Before starting any PyQt project, you need to have PyQt and Qt installed on your system. PyQt can be easily installed using pip:
pip install pyqt5

Qt is a cross-platform application development framework that provides tools and libraries for building desktop, mobile, and embedded applications. You can download Qt from the official website and install it on your system.

  1. Creating a PyQt project:
    To create a new PyQt project, you can use a project setup wizard that simplifies the project creation process. There are several project setup wizards available online that automate the process of setting up a new PyQt project, such as pyqt-builder or pyqt-project.

Once you have downloaded and installed the project setup wizard of your choice, run the wizard and follow the instructions to create a new PyQt project. The wizard will prompt you to enter details such as project name, location, and other configurations.

  1. Structuring your PyQt project:
    After running the project setup wizard, your PyQt project will be created with a basic directory structure. It is important to organize your project files properly to ensure scalability and maintainability.

A typical PyQt project structure may look like this:


The src directory contains the main Python script ( that initializes the Qt application and loads the user interface from the ui directory. The resources directory stores icons, images, and other static files used in the application. The utils directory contains helper functions or utility modules that are used throughout the application.

The tests directory contains test scripts to ensure the functionality of your application. The docs directory is used to store documentation files. The requirements.txt file lists all the Python dependencies required for the project, and is used to package and distribute the application.

  1. Designing the user interface:
    Once the project structure is set up, you can start designing the user interface using Qt Designer, a visual design tool for creating GUI applications. Qt Designer allows you to drag and drop widgets, set properties, and create layouts for your application.

To create a new user interface in Qt Designer, open the main_window.ui file located in the ui directory of your project. Design the UI layout by adding widgets, buttons, labels, and other components. Customize the appearance of the UI by setting colors, fonts, and styles.

After designing the UI in Qt Designer, save the file and convert it to a Python script using the pyuic5 command:

pyuic5 -o ui/ ui/main_window.ui

This command generates a Python script ( from the UI file, which can be imported and used in your main Python script (

  1. Implementing functionality:
    Once the UI design is complete, you can start implementing functionality in your PyQt application. Open the file and write the necessary code to initialize the Qt application, load the UI, and connect signal-slot events.

Here is an example of a simple PyQt application that displays a window with a button:

import sys
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QMainWindow, QPushButton

class MyMainWindow(QMainWindow):
    def __init__(self):
        self.setWindowTitle('My PyQt Application')
        button = QPushButton('Click me!', self)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    app = QApplication(sys.argv)
    main_window = MyMainWindow()

In this example, a QMainWindow subclass is created with a button as the central widget. When the button is clicked, a signal is emitted and a slot is connected to handle the event.

  1. Modern UI designing tips:
    When designing modern user interfaces in PyQt, there are several tips to keep in mind to create visually appealing and user-friendly applications:
  • Use a clean and minimalistic design with simple color schemes and intuitive layouts.
  • Follow platform-specific design guidelines for Windows, macOS, and Linux to ensure consistency and familiarity for users.
  • Incorporate responsive design techniques to create applications that adapt to different screen sizes and resolutions.
  • Utilize animations, transitions, and effects to enhance the user experience and make the application more engaging.
  • Consider accessibility features such as keyboard navigation, high contrast modes, and screen reader support for users with disabilities.

By following these tips and best practices, you can create professional-looking and modern GUI applications in Python using PyQt. With the right project setup, organization, and design techniques, you can build functional and visually appealing applications that meet the needs of your users.

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2 hours ago

Get the GUI in the video here

2 hours ago

Bro, you are the best keep going please 🔥🔥💪💪💪💪

2 hours ago

I would like you to drop Animated UI tutorial for Voice Assistance like Jarvis

2 hours ago

wow that's great work

2 hours ago

doesn't work on mac.

2 hours ago

ur style is amazing,
but i want to know if u are using MVC as architectural pattern ,
if not please what is ur archhitectural pattern

2 hours ago

What is about pyqt studio can u make video about it

2 hours ago

I'm new here, you really have a amazing job on Qt Designer! I like your style!

2 hours ago


2 hours ago

Great share!! The secret to ranking = P r o m o s m!!

2 hours ago

Well Done! You are awesome!!

2 hours ago

you are amazing!
the best Qt Designer ever.

I have a question, do you know if it is possible to remove bullets from QRadioButton?

2 hours ago

Awesome work dude, waiting for more!

2 hours ago

Nice work🌷.can you doing some application on raspberry pi ,And thank you for your content.

2 hours ago

How long have you been programming in python for? Not just pyqt

2 hours ago

Hello, Did you try to deploy pyqt applications to android? I did not manage it. If you have any suggest it will be great.

2 hours ago

>>> from Custom_Widgets import ProjectMaker

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>

ImportError: cannot import name 'ProjectMaker' from 'Custom_Widgets' (


2 hours ago

Nice work , we need more 🔥

2 hours ago

Fails: "ImportError: cannot import name 'ProjectMaker' from 'Custom_Widgets'"

The pip install command fails to install most of the files from PyPI. When using the tarball instead, there are multiple packages from the prereqs that are not found. Also, your from GitHub or from any other place is flawed. If you try and run this on a Windows machine, it will give 3 errors because it tried to install packages that are already part of the STDLIB in Python (they are installed alongside Python when doing a full install). I have opened a pull request on your repo 🙂 (also added macOS support for you)

2 hours ago

Nice video and waiting for the next …

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