Create Tkinter Python GUI Applications using a Drag & Drop Editor!

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Use a Drag & Drop Editor to Make Tkinter Python GUI Applications!

Use a Drag & Drop Editor to Make Tkinter Python GUI Applications!

If you are looking to build user-friendly graphical user interface (GUI) applications in Python using Tkinter, you may want to consider using a drag and drop editor to streamline the development process. Tkinter is a popular GUI toolkit for Python and provides a range of features for building intuitive and visually appealing applications. However, creating GUIs can be time-consuming and complex, especially for beginners or developers who are not familiar with the Tkinter library.

With a drag and drop editor, you can simplify the process of designing and building Tkinter GUI applications. These tools allow you to visually design the layout and components of your application by simply dragging and dropping elements onto the GUI canvas. This can significantly reduce the amount of code you need to write, making it easier and faster to create professional-looking GUIs.

One popular drag and drop editor for Tkinter is PAGE (Python Automatic GUI Generator). With PAGE, you can visually design and layout your Tkinter GUI, and then have the editor generate the corresponding Python code for you. This means you can focus on the design and functionality of your application, rather than getting bogged down in the intricacies of Tkinter coding.

Using a drag and drop editor can also help you to quickly iterate and experiment with different layouts and designs, as you can easily rearrange and modify components within the editor. This can be particularly beneficial for prototyping and refining the user interface of your applications.

Overall, utilizing a drag and drop editor for Tkinter can greatly improve the efficiency and ease of building GUI applications in Python. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, these tools can help you create polished and user-friendly interfaces with minimal effort.

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6 months ago

UPDATE: The layout of Figma has slightly changed after recording this video. The create new design file button is at the top right-hand corner, and the settings button is under the profile icon at the top left-hand corner.

6 months ago

i have an error. I can't install pillow. It says Failed building wheel for pillow. Can someone help me pls

6 months ago

Thanks for your help.You saved us time

6 months ago

Too good

6 months ago

Hello, i have a problem with pillow. It says that : ERROR: Could not build wheels for pillow, which is required to install pyproject.toml-based projects

6 months ago

why can't my image enter the code

6 months ago

trash method used in 1999

6 months ago

The video is nice, but the voice is not clear and little disturbing to watch, But thanks for sharing suck kind of information

6 months ago

Tutorial itself is pretty good but the added click sounds and keyboard presses are really annoying and unnessiary

Also the submit button for example has white corners like you said but your fix doesn't work whatsoever, is there another fix for this because it looks bad.

6 months ago

What I created in Figma didn't out the same after it was converted to code. If possible, I can show what I did in Figma and what came out of the code to compare.

6 months ago

incredible tutorial thank you so much

6 months ago

prob should have mentioned to install an a virt environment first, but cool video.

6 months ago

Where is the Checkbox ?

6 months ago


6 months ago

Using figma is not a solution, it's a paid service. Video title should be: 'Pay a 3rd party developer to make your own GUI's'

6 months ago

Where did you get the Tkinker Designer wherein you can input the Token ID, File URL, and Output Path in Chapter "Converting the Design to Code"?

6 months ago

don't use tkinter for big project or even a small one (limited and sucks)^_^

6 months ago

Nice tutorial 😉

6 months ago

awesome video, fast speed, details, entertaining

6 months ago

Why REALLY DO YOU HAVE ONLY 1.66k SUBS | I don't understand 🤔🤔💭💭