Creating a Basic Form Using PySimpleGUI

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In this tutorial, we will go over how to create a simple form using PySimpleGUI, a Python library that allows you to easily create GUIs. We will walk through the process of creating a form with input fields, labels, and a submit button.

Step 1: Install PySimpleGUI

First, you will need to install PySimpleGUI if you haven’t already. You can do this by running the following command in your terminal:

pip install PySimpleGUI

Step 2: Import the necessary modules

Next, you will need to import the PySimpleGUI module in your Python script. You can do this with the following line of code:

import PySimpleGUI as sg

Step 3: Create the layout of the form

Now, we will define the layout of the form using PySimpleGUI elements. In this example, we will create a form with two input fields for the user’s name and email, a label, and a submit button.

layout = [
    [sg.Text('Name:'), sg.InputText()],
    [sg.Text('Email:'), sg.InputText()],

Step 4: Create the window

Next, we will create the window object using the layout we defined in the previous step. We will also give the window a title using the title parameter.

window = sg.Window('Simple Form', layout)

Step 5: Handle events

Now we will add a loop to handle events in the window. This loop will keep the window open until the user closes it. We will also add a condition to check for events such as button presses.

while True:
    event, values =
    if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED or event == 'Submit':

Step 6: Process the user input

Finally, we will process the user input when the submit button is clicked. We can access the values entered by the user using the values variable.

name = values[0]
email = values[1]
print(f'Name: {name}, Email: {email}')

Step 7: Close the window

Lastly, we will close the window when the loop ends by calling the close() method on the window object.


And that’s it! You have now created a simple form using PySimpleGUI. You can customize this form by adding more input fields, labels, buttons, and other elements to suit your needs. PySimpleGUI is a versatile library that allows you to quickly create user interfaces for your Python applications.

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