Creating a Basic GUI Window with Python Tkinter

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Creating a Basic GUI Window in Python tkinter

Creating a Basic GUI Window in Python tkinter

Python’s tkinter library provides a simple way to create GUI applications. In this article, we will show you how to create a basic GUI window using tkinter in Python.

Step 1: Import tkinter

Before creating a GUI window, you need to import the tkinter library in your Python script. This can be done with the following code:

      import tkinter as tk

Step 2: Create a Window

Once tkinter is imported, you can create a basic window by creating an instance of the tkinter.Tk class. This will create a main window for your application.

      root = tk.Tk()
      root.title("Basic GUI Window")

Step 3: Display the Window

To display the window, you can use the mainloop() method of the root window. This method will run an event loop, which will keep the window open and responsive to user input.


Complete Code

Putting it all together, the complete code for creating a basic GUI window in Python tkinter looks like this:

      import tkinter as tk

      root = tk.Tk()
      root.title("Basic GUI Window")



Creating a basic GUI window in Python tkinter is simple and straightforward. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can quickly create a window for your GUI application.

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