
Creating a Blog using Next.js and a Headless CMS (Strapi)

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Build a Blog with Next.js and a Headless CMS (Strapi)

Building a Blog with Next.js and Strapi

In this tutorial, we will show you how to build a blog using Next.js, a popular React framework, and Strapi, a headless CMS. With Next.js, you can create powerful and dynamic web applications, while Strapi provides a flexible and easy-to-use content management system.


Before we get started, make sure you have the following installed:

  1. Node.js
  2. npm or yarn
  3. Next.js and create-next-app
  4. Strapi

Setting up Strapi

First, we need to set up our Strapi CMS. You can install Strapi with npm by running the following command:

npm install strapi@beta -g

After installing Strapi, create a new project by running:

strapi new my-blog

Follow the on-screen instructions to set up your project. Once your project is set up, you can start the Strapi server by running:

npm run develop

Creating Content Types

In Strapi, you can define content types for your blog. For example, you can create a “Post” content type with fields like title, content, author, and date. You can also create relationships between content types, such as a relationship between a post and its author.

Setting up Next.js

Now that our Strapi CMS is set up, we can start building our Next.js blog. First, create a new Next.js app using the create-next-app command:

npx create-next-app my-blog

Once your Next.js app is created, you can start the development server by running:

npm run dev

Connecting Next.js with Strapi

To connect Next.js with Strapi, we can use a library like axios to make API requests to our Strapi backend. You can create a service file to handle these requests and fetch the data from Strapi.

Displaying Content

Once we have connected Next.js with Strapi, we can start displaying our blog content. We can create pages to display individual blog posts, a list of all blog posts, and any other pages we may need for our blog.


By combining Next.js with Strapi, we have created a powerful and flexible blog. Next.js provides a fast and dynamic frontend, while Strapi gives us an easy-to-use and customizable CMS. With this setup, you can create a blog that is both easy to manage and a great user experience for your readers.

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Jaggree Sriburin
7 months ago

Can you teach me how to make categories?

Tairou Cissé
7 months ago

Amazing tutorial

Facundo Marconi
7 months ago

Very good video. How could I give my client an admin panel so they can upload, modify and delete their post, without having authentication. Thank you so much!

Ahmed Awad
7 months ago

loved it! amazing tutorial. your channel will go places for sure!

Randal Gomez
7 months ago

✌️ 'Promo sm'

Test Demo
7 months ago

Awesome video!!!❤❤❤

Please🙏 make more videos and explore relational data model Strapi in-depth

Dev Ewu
7 months ago

I loved Strapi when learning the basics. Afterwards due to the terrible support / documentation which constantly is changing I lost too much time and the projects became inefficient when too much custom logic was part of it.

There is a community and even a discord group – however more or less every second fancy issues will never be solved.

Also the field ui is not usable for heavy content cms solutions. The UX is only usable when you have just a handful fields.
There is also no native build in conditional field validation for forms in the backend. This is a no go for a modern CMS.

Its so sad – as Strapi has a fantastic service container also the backend framework is great.

Hari K
7 months ago

why strapi cms updates is not getting reflected in next js ?

Berkeley Student Cooperative
7 months ago

At 44:12 it seems like you also get the same error 🧐 but your page still renders. curious

Berkeley Student Cooperative
7 months ago

Attempting to validate button.js I get "Identifier 'Button' has already been declared" on the Button.Icon line.

Berkeley Student Cooperative
7 months ago

I'm have an error in button.js: "'const' declarations must be initialized" The console message underlines "Button" in "const Button.Icon = ({ iconType }) => {" But I can't find it. Any idea what I should be looking for?

Ricky Dawn
7 months ago

More on Strapi / NextJS please! Like comment systems, or Tailwind CSS etc – this video was great, have subbed.

7 months ago


Kashyap Kumbhani
7 months ago

Awesome Video !!
Please Share Project link as well <3

Secretary Bailey
7 months ago

Nice video – just my 2c, I'd probably spend less time on the styling – of the hour and a half video an hour of it is purely styling/setup. Great work though, really enjoyed the Strapi stuff.

Pavel Donchev Eveliko
7 months ago

Awesome video, I was mostly interested in the Strapi part, but the video is probably super helpful to put all pieces together for people who are just starting.

Joseph Godwin
7 months ago

Thank you for this. Subscribed!

E-673-Sujal Vanjare
7 months ago

best video so far on Next js 13 app router and connecting to Strapi cms⭐, can you Please go deep in the new next js app router , and Strapi cms in feature videos it help will me a lot, because finding the good tutorials like this is so Rare.

raf almo
7 months ago

Nice tutorial Sir. After the restriction on roles for free users was removed, Strapi became extremely amazing.

Divyanshu Gupta
7 months ago

could you do the same tutorial using headless wordpress?