
Creating a Component Library with Shadcn’s UI Components

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Let’s Build a Component Library Using Shadcn’s UI Components

Let’s Build a Component Library Using Shadcn’s UI Components

If you’re looking to create a consistent and cohesive design system for your web projects, using a component library can be a great way to achieve this. Shadcn’s UI Components provide a robust set of pre-built components that can be easily customized and integrated into your projects. In this article, we’ll explore how to build a component library using Shadcn’s UI Components.

Getting Started

The first step in building a component library using Shadcn’s UI Components is to familiarize yourself with the available components and their customization options. Shadcn provides documentation and examples for each component, making it easy to understand how to use and customize them.

Once you have a good understanding of the available components, you can start incorporating them into your projects. You can use Shadcn’s UI Components directly in your HTML by including the necessary CSS and JavaScript files, or you can use a tool like npm to install the components and include them in your build process.

Creating a Design System

As you incorporate Shadcn’s UI Components into your projects, you can start to build a consistent design system by creating reusable components and patterns. This can include things like color palettes, typography styles, and layout grids. By using Shadcn’s UI Components as a base, you can ensure that your design system is cohesive and well-integrated.

Customizing Components

While Shadcn’s UI Components provide a great starting point, you will likely want to customize them to better fit the specific needs of your projects. This can include things like changing colors, fonts, and spacing, or adding new functionality to the components. With Shadcn’s well-documented and customizable components, this can be done with relative ease.

Building a Library

As you continue to use and customize Shadcn’s UI Components, you can start to build a library of reusable components that can be easily integrated into new projects. This can help to speed up development time and ensure a consistent and cohesive design across all of your projects.


Shadcn’s UI Components provide a robust set of pre-built components that can be easily customized and integrated into your projects, making them an ideal choice for building a component library. By familiarizing yourself with the available components, creating a design system, customizing components, and building a library of reusable components, you can create a cohesive and consistent design system for your web projects.

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7 months ago

what do we change so that we don't have to install Tailwind in the consumer App ?

7 months ago

What about if I dont want to use Tailwind? Can I still use shadcn?

7 months ago

How can I import this library in NextJs app

7 months ago

Very good man. Great tutorial. Thanks

7 months ago

Although we have the tree-shacking for the components, the shadcn-ui-library-starter/dist/style.css still includes css of all the exposed components. Do you have any solutions to solve it?

7 months ago

Any possibility of going through form components using shadcn?

7 months ago

Thanks quality content. I didn't understand everything but not bad

7 months ago

wow this is so cooool 🎉

7 months ago


7 months ago

Great tutorial, How can i build my own npm package from shadcn and only use and build the only components i want. i want to have it on npm package too. I want to be able to use it in other projects not just by copy pasting.
Thank you… Anticipating your response.

7 months ago

Amazing video!

7 months ago

I promise I'm not trying to be a jerk, I had a hard time with the word as well..

Component is pronounced: Kuhm-poh-nuhnt. The first O makes more of an 'UH' sound, The second "o" sounds the same as the letter, e.g. "oh".

7 months ago

This was great…liked and subscribed..!! One addition with this already great video can be setting up pro grade library structure with Nx or Turbo workspace

7 months ago

Awesome content

7 months ago

This is the video I was looking for, I am wait for more quality contents like this.❤

7 months ago

You deserve more recognition. Keep up the good work! I liked and subscribed in hopes of more quality contents like this.