
Creating a Custom VueJS Component for WeWeb: A Step-by-Step Guide

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How to Develop a Custom VueJS Component for WeWeb

How to Develop a Custom VueJS Component for WeWeb

If you’re looking to enhance your website with custom VueJS components, WeWeb is a great platform to work with. This article will walk you through the process of developing a custom VueJS component for use in a WeWeb website.

Step 1: Set Up Your Development Environment

Before you start building your custom VueJS component, make sure you have a development environment set up with Node.js and npm installed.

Step 2: Create Your VueJS Component

Once your development environment is set up, you can start creating your custom VueJS component. Use the Vue CLI to scaffold out a new component, or create a new Vue file manually.

Step 3: Customize Your Component

Now that you have your component created, you can start customizing it to fit your needs. Add any necessary data, methods, and computed properties to make your component functional.

Step 4: Style Your Component

After you have the functionality in place, it’s time to style your component. Use CSS or a pre-processor like SCSS to add the necessary styles to make your component visually appealing.

Step 5: Register Your Component in WeWeb

Once your custom VueJS component is complete, you can register it in WeWeb for use in your website. WeWeb provides a simple interface for adding custom components to your site.

Step 6: Test Your Component

Before deploying your website with the new custom component, make sure to thoroughly test it to ensure it functions as expected on different devices and browsers.

Step 7: Deploy Your Website

Once you have tested your custom VueJS component thoroughly, you can deploy your website with the new component included. Your website will now have an enhanced user experience thanks to your custom VueJS component!

By following these steps, you can develop a custom VueJS component for WeWeb and take your website to the next level. With the flexibility and power of VueJS, the possibilities for custom components are endless.

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7 months ago

Thank you! Is there another video for the "dev to production" process?

7 months ago

Thank you for the great video! I followed all the steps and everything worked. Unfortunately the video ends earlier. Has there been any discussion of how to extend the code to save the new order? At the moment I can change the order of the items, but it then jumps back to the original and does not keep the new order.

Axel Jaworski
7 months ago

Great tutorial! Is there any news about the no-code version custom components?

Tech Audit TV
7 months ago

Great stream, folks!