Creating a DaisyUI Avatar Component for Vue.js

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daisyUI Avatar for Vue.js

Welcome to the world of daisyUI Avatar for Vue.js

daisyUI Avatar for Vue.js is a powerful and easy to use library that allows you to add avatars to your Vue.js applications with ease. With daisyUI Avatar, you can create customizable avatars for users, profiles, or any other visual representation you need.

Getting Started

To get started with daisyUI Avatar for Vue.js, you first need to install the package using NPM or Yarn:

npm install @daisyui/vue-avatar
yarn add @daisyui/vue-avatar

Once you have installed the package, you can import it into your Vue.js components and start using the Avatar component:

import { Avatar } from '@daisyui/vue-avatar';

Now, you can use the Avatar component in your Vue.js templates:

Customizing Avatars

daisyUI Avatar for Vue.js allows you to customize avatars by specifying various props such as size, border size, image, initials, and more. You can create avatars that match the style of your application and provide a consistent visual identity for users.


daisyUI Avatar for Vue.js is a fantastic library that simplifies the process of adding avatars to your Vue.js applications. With its easy-to-use API and customizable options, you can create stunning avatars that enhance the user experience of your applications. Give it a try today and see the difference it can make in your Vue.js projects!

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