
Creating a Dynamic Form with Vue Js and Laravel | Part 1

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Dynamic Form in Vue Js with Laravel | Part 1

Dynamic Form in Vue Js with Laravel | Part 1

In this article, we will discuss how to create a dynamic form using Vue.js and Laravel. Dynamic forms are forms that change based on user input or other events, allowing for a more flexible and customizable user experience. We’ll be using Vue.js to create the dynamic form on the front end, and Laravel to handle the back end logic and database interactions.

Setting up Vue.js and Laravel

Before we can begin creating our dynamic form, we need to set up Vue.js and Laravel. If you haven’t already done so, you can install Vue.js using npm:

        npm install vue

And you can create a new Laravel project using the following command:

        laravel new dynamic-form

Creating the Dynamic Form Component

Once Vue.js and Laravel are set up, we can start creating our dynamic form. We’ll begin by creating a new Vue component to handle the form:

        // DynamicForm.vue

          <form @submit.prevent="handleSubmit">
            <div v-for="(field, index) in fields" :key="index">
              <label :for="'field-' + index">{{ field.label }}</label>
              <input :id="'field-' + index" :type="field.type" v-model="field.value">
            <button type="submit">Submit</button>

          export default {
            data() {
              return {
                fields: [
                    label: 'Name',
                    type: 'text',
                    value: ''
                    label: 'Email',
                    type: 'email',
                    value: ''
            methods: {
              handleSubmit() {
                // handle form submission logic here

Connecting the Vue Component to Laravel

With the DynamicForm component created, we can now connect it to our Laravel project. We’ll need to register the component in our app.js file and then include it in our Blade template. First, register the component in app.js:

        // app.js

        import Vue from 'vue';
        import DynamicForm from './components/DynamicForm';

        new Vue({
          el: '#app',
          components: {

Then include the component in your Blade template:

        // welcome.blade.php

        <div id="app">

        <script src="{{ asset('js/app.js') }}"></script>


In this part 1 of the series, we’ve set up our Vue.js and Laravel projects and created a basic dynamic form component in Vue.js. In part 2, we’ll dive deeper into handling form submissions and dynamic form logic in Laravel. Stay tuned for more!