Creating a Food Order Project with Angular 15: Utilizing Tags for Food Search in Angular Projects

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Angular 15 Food Order Project

Angular 15 Food Order Project from Scratch

If you are looking to build a food order project using Angular 15, you’ve come to the right place! In this article, we will walk through the process of setting up a food order project from scratch using Angular 15.

Tags in Angular Projects

Tags are an important part of any Angular project. They allow you to categorize and organize your content, making it easier for users to navigate and find what they are looking for. In the context of a food order project, tags can be used to categorize different types of food, such as “vegetarian”, “gluten-free”, “spicy”, and so on. By using tags, users can easily search for and filter out the types of food that they are interested in.

Food Search by Tags in Angular

In an Angular food order project, you can implement a food search functionality that allows users to search for specific types of food by using tags. This can be done by creating a search bar where users can input the tags they are interested in, and the project will then display the corresponding food items based on the tags entered.

To implement this functionality, you can use Angular’s built-in features such as ngFor to loop through the food items and ngIf to display only the items that match the tags entered by the user. You can also use Angular’s HttpClientModule to fetch the food data from an API and display them in your project.


In conclusion, building a food order project from scratch using Angular 15 can be an exciting and rewarding endeavor. By using tags in your Angular project, you can easily categorize and organize your food items, and allow users to search for specific types of food based on their preferences. With the right tools and techniques, you can create a seamless and user-friendly food order project that will delight your users.

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Christian Nelson
7 months ago

Very useful tutorial and best technique to provide practical knowledge 👍🏻

Ankit Gohel
7 months ago

Bro please keep it up