
Creating a Frontend 1 with React-Vite, Tailwind CSS, DaisyUI, Tanstack Query v4, and React-Hook-Form: Part 3

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Part 3 | Frontend 1 with react-vite, tailwind css, daisyui, tanstack query v4, react-hook-form

Part 3 | Frontend 1 with react-vite, tailwind css, daisyui, tanstack query v4, react-hook-form

In this tutorial, we will be setting up a frontend project using React and several powerful tools to improve
development experience and design flexibility.


React-vite is a fast build tool for modern web development. It provides instant server start and fast
making the development process smooth and efficient.

Tailwind CSS

Tailwind CSS is a highly customizable, low-level CSS framework that gives you all of the building blocks you
need to build bespoke designs without any annoying opinionated styles you have to fight to override.


DaisyUI is a Tailwind CSS component library that gives you access to beautiful components and utility
allowing you to build stunning designs with ease.

Tanstack Query v4

Tanstack Query is a powerful and flexible tool for managing and caching asynchronous data in React
The newly released version 4 comes with several improvements and new features that make data fetching and
management even simpler and more effective.


React-Hook-Form is a simple and easy-to-use library for managing forms in React applications. It supports
uncontrolled and controlled forms, custom validation, and seamless integration with other libraries and

By combining these tools, we will create a frontend project that is not only easy to develop and maintain,
but also offers a wide range of design possibilities and efficient data management.

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7 months ago

Hello everyone thank you all for joining the community.
ℹ️ There are some code snippets we discussed about in the video links are in the description of this video. You can also get the codes from github all links are in the description
🎈 If you have any questions or get stuck, post your worries here in the comments section or
The Facebook group for this channel = https://facebook.com/groups/1404979157120192/

Angoh Lisa
7 months ago

So composed nice details

Jadin N
7 months ago

Great job

Angoh Lisa
7 months ago

Waoow nice one😊🎉😊❤