Creating a Full E-Commerce Website with React JS | React JS Ecommerce Project 2024

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In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of creating a complete E-commerce website using React JS. We will cover all the steps from setting up the project to adding features like product listing, cart functionality, and user authentication. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a fully functional E-commerce website built with React JS.

Step 1: Setting up the project

  1. First, make sure you have node and npm installed on your system. You can download them from the official website if you don’t have them already.
  2. Create a new directory for your project and navigate to it in the terminal.
  3. Run the following command to create a new React project using create-react-app:
    npx create-react-app ecommerce-website
  4. Once the project is created, navigate to the project directory using:
    cd ecommerce-website
  5. Start the development server by running:
    npm start
  6. You should see the default React app running on http://localhost:3000 in your browser.

Step 2: Installing additional dependencies

  1. We need to install additional dependencies for our E-commerce website. Run the following commands in the terminal:
    npm install react-router-dom axios
  2. React Router is used for routing in React applications, while Axios is used for making API requests.

Step 3: Creating components

  1. Create a new folder named components inside the src directory.
  2. Inside the components folder, create the following components: Header.js, ProductList.js, Product.js, Cart.js, and Checkout.js.

Step 4: Designing the layout

  1. Design the layout of your E-commerce website using CSS or a CSS framework like Bootstrap.
  2. You can create a header component in the Header.js file with navigation links to the product list, cart, and checkout pages.

Step 5: Fetching product data

  1. Create a new folder named services inside the src directory.
  2. Inside the services folder, create a new file named api.js.
  3. In the api.js file, write a function to fetch product data from a fake API like JSONPlaceholder using Axios.
    import axios from 'axios';

const BASE_URL = ‘‘;

export const getProducts = async () => {
try {
const response = await axios.get(${BASE_URL}/products);
} catch (error) {
console.error(‘Error fetching products:’, error);

Step 6: Displaying product list
1. In the `ProductList.js` component, import the `getProducts` function from the `api.js` file.
2. Call the `getProducts` function in the `useEffect` hook to fetch product data when the component is mounted.
3. Display the list of products using the `map` function and render each product using the `Product.js` component.
4. Design the product card layout in the `Product.js` component.

Step 7: Implementing cart functionality
1. Create a context for managing the cart state. Create a new file named `CartContext.js` inside the `src` directory.
import { createContext, useState } from 'react';

export const CartContext = createContext();

export const CartProvider = ({ children }) => {
  const [cart, setCart] = useState([]);

  const addProductToCart = (product) => {
    setCart([...cart, product]);

  const removeProductFromCart = (productId) => {
    setCart(cart.filter((product) => !== productId));

  return (
    <CartContext.Provider value={{ cart, addProductToCart, removeProductFromCart }}>
  1. Wrap the root component of your application with the CartProvider component in the index.js file.
  2. Use the CartContext in the Product.js component to add products to the cart when the user clicks on the "Add to cart" button.
  3. Display the items in the cart and implement the functionality to remove items from the cart in the Cart.js component.
  4. You can update the cart total and display a checkout button in the Cart.js component.

Step 8: Implementing user authentication

  1. For user authentication, you can use a service like Firebase Authentication or implement your own authentication system.
  2. Create a new file named AuthService.js inside the services folder.
  3. Write functions for user sign-up, sign-in, sign-out, and get current user using Firebase Authentication or a custom authentication system.
  4. Implement user authentication in your application by creating login and sign-up forms and managing the user state.

Step 9: Finalizing the checkout process

  1. Design the checkout form in the Checkout.js component.
  2. Implement the functionality to submit the checkout form and place an order.
  3. Save the order details in a database or mock data.

Congratulations! You have successfully created a complete E-commerce website using React JS. Feel free to add more features like product search, filters, and payment integration to enhance the user experience. Good luck with your React JS E-commerce project in 2024!

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23 days ago

Happy teachers day sir 🎉

23 days ago

Lewis James Rodriguez Elizabeth Allen Nancy

23 days ago

Backend ??

23 days ago

still waiting

23 days ago

What's the point of making of this long length video bro some logics are skipped like my orders page logic is not working and please make sure to not to repeat this mistake again Bro…

Can anyone please help me to correct the my orders code

23 days ago

If you had provided figma link for this UI, it would have been great

23 days ago

having issues at 3:44:00, if anyone could help, that would be great.

23 days ago

Sir, when u will uplaod backend and admin panel, we curious to learn from you ,this was a wonderful project! i even added a blog page to mine

23 days ago

Sir please upload the next part of this project. Creating the Admin Panel and full Backend is pending..can't wait to complete it.. Superb❤

23 days ago

Sir, please we want the backend and admin panel part as soon as possible pls!!

23 days ago

Cash app isn't available where I live, do you accept PayPal?

23 days ago

You are best sir 😊😊

23 days ago

Sir, please upload the video for backend

23 days ago

Wilson Lisa Walker Kimberly Hernandez Joseph

23 days ago

Day 1265 of asking for which colour theme you're using in your vs code. 🙏🙏

23 days ago

This was a wonderful project! i even added a blog page to mine

It took me 3 days but i finally finished.

I can't wait for part 2, God bless you Greatstack for putting out such detailed videos.

I noticed some little issues you might want to address in the next video.
-On the mobile view, when you click on the menu icon, it will display the menu, but you can still scroll up.
-In the recommended section, if you click on a product, it will load on the main product preview, but the recommended products remain the same.
-The search icon is visible throughout the website, maybe it would help to be good to only show it on the collection page

This was all i could point out.
I will try to fix them on my own.

Thank you soo much for what you are doing.

23 days ago

Thank you so much sir. Got to learn so many stuff. Just completed this the frontend part. Waiting for the backend part.

23 days ago

Sir I think you forgot bult backend part please upload this backend part

23 days ago

Is this only 5:10:53 time??

23 days ago

can you use appwrite as a database and nodejs i hope you'll notice me

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