Creating a Full Stack Travel Log with React, Mapbox, and MongoDB using Next.js 13 Beta – Part 1

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Learning Next.js 13 Beta – Part 1 – Building a Full Stack Travel Log with React, Mapbox and MongoDB

Learning Next.js 13 Beta – Part 1

If you’re looking to build a full stack web application with Next.js 13, React, Mapbox, and MongoDB, you’ve come to the right place. In this series of articles, we will walk through the process of building a travel log application from scratch, using the latest features and capabilities of Next.js 13 Beta.

What is Next.js?

Next.js is a popular open-source web framework for building modern web applications. It is built on top of React and provides a powerful set of features for server-side rendering, static site generation, and dynamic routing. With the release of Next.js 13 Beta, there are even more exciting features and improvements that make it the perfect choice for building full stack applications.

Building a Full Stack Travel Log

In this series, we will build a full stack travel log application that allows users to log their travel experiences and create interactive maps to visualize their journeys. We will use React for the frontend, Mapbox for the mapping component, and MongoDB for storing and managing the travel log data.

Part 1: Getting Started

In this first part, we will set up the initial project structure and configure Next.js 13 Beta with React. We will also create a basic layout for the travel log application and integrate Mapbox for displaying the map component. Finally, we will set up a MongoDB database to store the travel log data.


By the end of this series, you will have a fully functional full stack travel log application that showcases the power and versatility of Next.js 13 Beta. You will also have a solid understanding of how to effectively use React, Mapbox, and MongoDB together to create a dynamic and interactive web application.

Stay tuned for the next part of the series, where we will dive into the details of setting up the project and building the frontend components of the travel log application.

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7 months ago

Stream on youtube!

Michael M
7 months ago

Be me:
– have ublock
– click 5 hr training video
– download entire video to crop out comments
– skim through first 10 minutes
– filled with fluff so delete video
– rinse and repeat

I'm sure youtube loves me.

Nick Tindle
7 months ago

Love to see it

Nick Garbalau
7 months ago

I am sorry, something wrong with my comments? Why are they getting deleted two times in a row?

Alex Liebhaber
7 months ago

Trying to follow along with this, but I’m stuck at the point of connecting my Mongodb, I am trying to use the connection string and .env file, but I get the error

Argument of type ‘string | undefined’ is not assignable to parameter of type ‘string’. Type ‘undefined’ is not assignable to type ‘string’.

I assume this is because my MONGO_URI is coming up as undefined, even tho I have it in the .env correctly. Can anybody help?

Code Nerd
7 months ago

Love from India ❤️

7 months ago

good uploading.Coding-😉

7 months ago

Someone should commented where he actually start coding and explaining

Muhammad Bilal Malik
7 months ago

I love you keep going!!

Борис Красных
7 months ago
