
Creating a Fullstack Application with Spring Boot 3, Vite, and Backbone for Beginners

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Build a Fullstack Application with Spring Boot 3, Vite & Backbone | Beginner

Build a Fullstack Application with Spring Boot 3, Vite & Backbone | Beginner

If you’re looking to build a fullstack application with Spring Boot 3, Vite & Backbone as a beginner, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll walk you through the process of setting up a fullstack application and leveraging these technologies to create a modern web application.

What You’ll Need

Before we get started, let’s take a look at what you’ll need to follow along with this tutorial:

  • Basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Java Development Kit (JDK) installed on your computer
  • Understanding of RESTful APIs and Spring Boot
  • Node.js and npm installed on your computer
  • Basic knowledge of Backbone.js framework

Setting Up Your Backend with Spring Boot 3

The first step in building our fullstack application is to set up the backend using Spring Boot 3. We’ll create a simple RESTful API that will serve as the foundation for our application. You can follow the official Spring Boot documentation to set up your project and create the necessary endpoints.

Creating Your Frontend with Vite & Backbone

With the backend in place, it’s time to create the frontend of our application. We’ll be using Vite as our build tool and Backbone.js as our frontend framework. You can start by setting up a new project using Vite and installing Backbone.js using npm. Then, you can create the necessary views, models, and collections for your application.

Connecting the Backend and Frontend

Once you have both the backend and frontend set up, it’s time to connect them together. You can use AJAX requests in Backbone to communicate with the RESTful API endpoints created in the Spring Boot backend. This will allow you to fetch and display data from the backend in your frontend application.

Building and Deploying Your Fullstack Application

Finally, once everything is set up and connected, you can build your fullstack application and deploy it to a server. You can use Vite to build your frontend assets and package them with the backend application. Then, you can deploy the application to a hosting provider of your choice.


Building a fullstack application with Spring Boot 3, Vite & Backbone as a beginner may seem daunting at first, but with the right guidance and resources, it can be a rewarding learning experience. By following the steps outlined in this article, you’ll be well on your way to creating a modern web application with a powerful backend and frontend.

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7 months ago

could you make a simple hello world tutorial with spring boot and react and show us simply how to route the mapping from react server to springboot controller server so that we can understand how to map the two together better? I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around using the same http url to send a request thru react frontend to spring backend and return the spring data to react server to be displayed by react. Thank you for your other tutorials as well.

7 months ago

How would you incorporate SSL? The proxy doesn't seem to work with HTTPS. Getting 403s.

jo pad
7 months ago


Wazoo Web Bytes
7 months ago

I had a LOT of fun putting this proof of concept together of legacy and modern JavaScript using Vite! I hope you're able to learn something from this. Please let me know what you think!