
Creating a Headless WordPress Site with WPGraphQL, Faust.js, and WPGraphQL Smart Cache

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Build a Headless WordPress site with WPGraphQL, Faust.js and WPGraphQL Smart Cache

Build a Headless WordPress site with WPGraphQL, Faust.js and WPGraphQL Smart Cache

Are you looking to build a headless WordPress site with a modern and efficient approach? Look no further than WPGraphQL, Faust.js, and WPGraphQL Smart Cache. These tools work together to create a powerful and flexible headless WordPress setup that will make your site blazing fast and easy to manage.


WPGraphQL is a free, open-source WordPress plugin that provides a GraphQL API for your WordPress site. This allows you to query your WordPress content using GraphQL, a modern and efficient query language for APIs. With WPGraphQL, you can easily access and retrieve your WordPress content in a flexible and efficient manner.


Faust.js is a powerful and flexible frontend framework for building headless WordPress sites. It seamlessly integrates with WPGraphQL to provide a streamlined and efficient development experience. With Faust.js, you can easily build dynamic and interactive frontend interfaces for your headless WordPress site, all while leveraging the power of GraphQL and the WordPress backend.

WPGraphQL Smart Cache

WPGraphQL Smart Cache is a plugin that enhances the performance of your headless WordPress site by intelligently caching GraphQL queries. This helps to minimize server load and reduce response times, resulting in a faster and more efficient website. With WPGraphQL Smart Cache, you can optimize the performance of your headless WordPress site without sacrificing flexibility or functionality.

Getting Started

To get started with building a headless WordPress site using WPGraphQL, Faust.js, and WPGraphQL Smart Cache, you can follow the comprehensive documentation and tutorials provided by each of these tools. By leveraging the power of GraphQL, Faust.js, and intelligent caching, you can build a headless WordPress site that is not only modern and efficient but also easy to maintain and scale.

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4 months ago

We need more about authentication & eCommerce using Faust / Headless WP 🙏❤️

4 months ago

I was trying this and WordPress asked for upgrading to a creator plan for about 9k to install any plugin, is it a necessity or any other way around?

4 months ago

I'm working to add this ACF post type but not seeing the show_in_graphql option. I have the most recent 'WPGraphQL for Advanced Custom Fields' plugin, not sure what to do here.l

4 months ago

Nice 🙂

4 months ago

Where can we get the new beta version of wp-graphql-acf – as Jason Bahl said – it will be rewritten and we have to change the code – then it would be great to get the beta-version for new project I am setting up.

4 months ago

Hey guys,

Thank you for this very practical introduction to Faust. I have a question about connecting WordPress templates to Faust's wp-templates. Instead of routing individual URLs separately, I would like to have the template selection at CMS level, as you mentioned ~ from minute 47. Let's say if I want to have a template for all legal pages. Could you please give me a hint on how best to implement this?