Creating a Image Similarity Search System with Spotify Annoy, PyTorch, and Azure Machine Learning

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Building an Image Similarity Search using Spotify Annoy, PyTorch and Azure Machine Learning

Building an Image Similarity Search using Spotify Annoy, PyTorch and Azure Machine Learning

Image similarity search is a powerful technique that allows users to find images similar to a query image. In this article, we will explore how to build an image similarity search system using Spotify’s Annoy library, PyTorch for feature extraction, and Azure Machine Learning for deployment.

Step 1: Feature Extraction with PyTorch

First, we need to extract features from images using a pre-trained deep learning model. We can use PyTorch’s pre-trained models such as ResNet or VGG to extract features from images. These features will be used to calculate the similarity between images.

Step 2: Indexing with Spotify Annoy

After extracting features from images, we can use Spotify’s Annoy library to create an index for fast nearest neighbor search. Annoy is a C++ library with Python bindings that can efficiently search for nearest neighbors in high-dimensional spaces.

Step 3: Deployment with Azure Machine Learning

Finally, we can deploy our image similarity search system using Azure Machine Learning. We can create a web service that takes a query image, extracts features using PyTorch, searches for similar images using Annoy index, and returns the results to the user.


Building an image similarity search system using Spotify Annoy, PyTorch, and Azure Machine Learning can be a powerful tool for various applications such as image retrieval, image recommendation, and content-based image search. By leveraging pre-trained deep learning models, efficient indexing algorithms, and cloud-based deployment, we can build a scalable and accurate image similarity search system.

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3 months ago

Is there any repo for the code discussed here?