Creating a Label Widget in Tkinter: Tkinter Tutorial #7 by Py Ideas 💡

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Label Widget in Tkinter

Label Widget in Tkinter

When working with GUI programming in Python, Tkinter is a popular choice for creating user interfaces. One of the essential widgets in Tkinter is the Label widget, which is used to display text or images on the screen.

Here’s a simple example of how to create a Label widget in Tkinter:

  import tkinter as tk

  root = tk.Tk()

  label = tk.Label(root, text="Hello, Tkinter!")


In this example, we first import the Tkinter module and create a new Tkinter instance. Then, we create a Label widget and pack it into the root window, displaying the text “Hello, Tkinter!”

Labels can also display images using the PhotoImage class in Tkinter. Here’s an example:

  import tkinter as tk

  root = tk.Tk()

  photo = tk.PhotoImage(file="image.gif")
  label = tk.Label(root, image=photo)


In this example, we create a PhotoImage object from a file and then create a Label widget with that image, packing it into the root window.

Labels can also be customized with various options, such as font, background color, and foreground color. Here’s an example:

  import tkinter as tk

  root = tk.Tk()

  label = tk.Label(root, 
                   text="Customized Label", 
                   font=("Arial", 24), 


In this example, we create a Label widget with custom text, font, background color, and foreground color, and then pack it into the root window.

Labels are an essential part of building a GUI with Tkinter and are used to display information to the user. They are versatile and can be customized to fit the design of your application.

That’s a simple overview of the Label widget in Tkinter. I hope this tutorial was helpful for you, and stay tuned for more Tkinter tutorials from Py Ideas!

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Advanced pls

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