Creating a Loading User Interface using Next.js 13 and React Suspense

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Loading UI with Next.js 13 and React Suspense

Loading UI with Next.js 13 and React Suspense

Next.js 13 introduces a new way to handle asynchronous data fetching and loading UI with the help of React Suspense. React Suspense allows you to show a loading UI while waiting for data to be fetched. This can greatly improve the user experience by providing immediate feedback to the user that the application is still working and not frozen.

Next.js 13 integrates React Suspense seamlessly, making it easy to implement loading UI for data fetching. With Next.js 13, you can use the new suspense mode to enable React Suspense for data fetching. This allows you to wrap your data fetching components with a Suspense component and show a loading UI while data is being fetched.

Here’s an example of how you can use React Suspense to show a loading UI with Next.js 13:

        import React, { Suspense } from 'react';

        function MyComponent() {
          return (
            <Suspense fallback={Loading...}>
              <MyDataFetchingComponent />

In this example, the Suspense component wraps the MyDataFetchingComponent and shows the Loading... message while data is being fetched. Once the data is fetched, the MyDataFetchingComponent will be displayed to the user.

With Next.js 13 and React Suspense, you can easily implement loading UI for data fetching, improving the user experience and providing immediate feedback to the user. This can help make your Next.js applications more responsive and user-friendly.

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7 months ago

Thx!!! That's what I've been looking)

Guido Wagner
7 months ago

what if I am using pages routing within a nextjs 13 project, is loading.js available?

7 months ago

For a long time I could not understand why loader does not work. It turned out my data was in the cache!

Martin Vega
7 months ago

do you have the repo only for example

Ramiz Khan
7 months ago

loving the way loading works. You just create a new file with loading and booms done…..

7 months ago

why on earth not to use mouse
this is so funny to watch this "hackers"

La 25ème Image
7 months ago

Thanks, but you are in local development right? It means the fetch happens at every request.
But in production, you will not see it I belive right?

La 25ème Image
7 months ago

Thank you!
How to implement a "See more" button behaviour with a next js server component ?

7 months ago

Sadly there's no way to show any feedback when executing a server action, and the data is being streamed. It seems it's not possible to add hooks to the streaming life-cycle.

For example, if I have a list of users, execute a server action for "adding a user" (which executes revalidatePath), then I can show a loading spinner during the duration of the action, but once the action is done, the spinner will disappear, and there's no way to know when the new data will arrive (which can be several seconds after the spinner disappeared).

7 months ago

this is amazing

7 months ago

if u follow this approch and the add the new post the data will not show instantly : unfortunately

7 months ago

i need help with loading state. can someone help with me?

The Chronic Grump
7 months ago

So all I have to do is add in a loading.tsx? I don’t have to wrap the layout in anything?

Spencer Bigum
7 months ago

Amazing technology. For Seo, will the list of posts be empty when a google bot crawls it? If I want the posts to be available for the google bot crawlers do I still need to do a static page?

7 months ago

Amazing video thanks so much.

Alejandro Loayza
7 months ago

Thank you. But loading works only during render SSR files. But if i'm using client side properties for change status of certain elements and during refresh or first load it shows all unstyled elements till all page has been loaded, and my loading page doesn't work. Do you have some advice please?

Nadya Shaymardanova
7 months ago


Mehdi HS
7 months ago

Hi, i can't use loading.js in subfolder(for components)
please add this option
with this option we can make different loadings for each component

Nadya Shaymardanova
7 months ago

💕 💞

7 months ago

Really cool, but I still prefer to use nprogress. Makes it better for users to see loading progress