Creating a Login Form for Apps Using Python: A Tkinter Project (#part1)

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In this tutorial, we will be creating a login form for apps using Python and Tkinter. Tkinter is a commonly used GUI toolkit for Python, and it allows you to create windows, dialogs, and other graphical user interface components.

To start off, let’s create a new Python file and import the Tkinter module:

from tkinter import *

Next, we will create a new class called LoginForm that will represent our login form. We will define the init method that will initialize the window, labels, and entry fields for the username and password:

class LoginForm:
    def __init__(self, root):
        self.root = root
        self.root.title("Login Form")

        self.label_username = Label(root, text="Username")

        self.entry_username = Entry(root)

        self.label_password = Label(root, text="Password")

        self.entry_password = Entry(root, show="*")

Now, let’s create a new method called login that will be triggered when the user clicks on the "Login" button. This method will validate the username and password entered by the user:

def login(self):
    username = self.entry_username.get()
    password = self.entry_password.get()

    if username == "admin" and password == "password":
        print("Login successful")
        print("Login failed")

Next, we will create a button called "Login" that will trigger the login method when clicked:

self.button_login = Button(root, text="Login", command=self.login)

Finally, let’s create an instance of the LoginForm class and start the Tkinter main loop to display the login form:

root = Tk()
login_form = LoginForm(root)

That’s it! You have successfully created a login form for apps using Python and Tkinter. In the next part of this tutorial, we will add more functionality to the login form such as error messages and registration options. Stay tuned for part 2!

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2 hours ago

Bro! What is (e) in the function?

2 hours ago

Bro, when you login then it's opened steganograph app how you did it ?

2 hours ago

abhi aap kya kaam kar te toh kya development kar te ho

2 hours ago

Home page ki link add karni hoto

2 hours ago

But after login it is opening a new window, I want to open entire operation in single windows. How is this possible.

2 hours ago

I am Rehan 13 year old boy
Can you make a Full Login system and sign-up also to unlock antohor window

2 hours ago

Php is simple than this.

2 hours ago

WOW Wonderful !

2 hours ago

Hi, i have a question. how can we have the attempts of username and password only 3 times with if, elif and else? Please respond me soon. Thanks

2 hours ago

hi, how come the code doesn't work for me, that is, I wrote everything correctly but it doesn't show me the images, text, etc. only the window opens

2 hours ago

bro the code source please

2 hours ago

Please put some voice over next time i would like to understand more on some of the code you're typing there. Anyway, this tutorial is very Great thanks❤

2 hours ago

Fantastic tutorial, thank you so much!

2 hours ago

Merci et le code

2 hours ago

من فضلك ارسل لنا كود

2 hours ago

Source code ?

2 hours ago

Hi! I tried replicating your code. However, I'm getting an error message.



TypeError: 'Frame' object is not callable

2 hours ago

Thank you very much for this tutorial! You implemented some cool features that I'd like to try out in my apps.

2 hours ago

can u tell me where you are coding this like in which website becoz in replit its not supporting

2 hours ago

Hey, is it possible to connect this login form to this system here? For example, after I log in, is it possible to see that window after you press log in? how do you connect those together?, cool vids btw!

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