Creating a Login Page in Angular 16

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How to create login page in Angular 16

How to create login page in Angular 16

Creating a login page in Angular 16 is a crucial step in building a web application that requires user authentication. In this article, we will walk through the steps to create a simple login page using Angular 16.

Step 1: Setup Angular 16 project

First, make sure you have Angular CLI installed. If not, you can install it using the following command:

npm install -g @angular/cli

Once Angular CLI is installed, you can create a new Angular project using the following command:

ng new my-login-app

Step 2: Create a login component

Next, create a new component for the login page. You can do this by running the following command in the terminal:

ng generate component login

This will create a new folder named “login” inside the “src/app” directory, with all the necessary files for the component.

Step 3: Design the login form

Inside the “login” component folder, open the “login.component.html” file and design the login form using HTML and Angular directives. Here’s an example of a simple login form:

Step 4: Add login functionality

In the “login.component.ts” file, you can write the logic to handle the login functionality. This may include making an API call to authenticate the user, and redirecting the user to the home page upon successful login.

Step 5: Route the login page

Finally, you can add a route for the login page in the “app-routing.module.ts” file to make the login page accessible within the application.

const routes: Routes = [
{ path: 'login', component: LoginComponent }
// other routes

And that’s it! You have now created a login page in Angular 16. Feel free to customize the design and functionality of the login page to fit the requirements of your web application.

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6 months ago

can i get the github repo for this code?

6 months ago

Thank you so much for the video. This is what exactly I am trying since past few days. Please make such more videos.😊🎉

6 months ago

Sorry, I don't understand the purpose of this video. If the password is in clear in the frontend source code anyone could discover it so this authentication is totally unsafe. Or am I missing something?

6 months ago

some slick coding 😅

6 months ago

This video has helped me so much! I was struggling with a project and this was exactly what i needed. Thank you!

6 months ago

you are doing great work but why you play music in bg of the video i cant hear you well

6 months ago

What a great tutorial! Exactly what i was searching for! Now I understand way better how to separate two sections of my app instead of *ngif out the navbar, if not logged in 🙂 Thanks very much!

6 months ago

Hi! Could you paste link to the github repo with whole code of this tutorial, please? Thanks in advance!

6 months ago

Hi I keep getting the error "Can't bind to 'formGroup' since it isn't a known property of 'div'.ngtsc(-998002)". Any solutions on how to fix it?