
Creating a Mini Full Stack Ecommerce Project with Stripe Payment Gateway using ReactJS and Node.js

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Stripe payment gateway with ReactJS and Node.js | Mini Full stack Ecommerce Project

Stripe Payment Gateway with ReactJS and Node.js

In this mini full stack ecommerce project, we will be integrating the Stripe payment gateway with ReactJS and Node.js. Stripe is a popular payment processing platform that allows businesses to accept payments online and handle complex payment scenarios.

Setting up the Project

First, we will need to set up a new ReactJS project using Create React App. Once the project is set up, we will install the Stripe React library, which provides a set of React components for integrating with the Stripe API.

Next, we will set up a Node.js server using Express. This server will handle the backend logic for processing payments and interacting with the Stripe API. We will also install the Stripe Node library, which provides a set of Node.js bindings for the Stripe API.

Integrating Stripe with ReactJS

With the project set up, we can now start integrating Stripe with our React frontend. We will create a checkout form using the Stripe React library, which will allow users to enter their payment information and submit a payment to our Node.js server.

Handling Payments with Node.js

On the backend, we will create a route for handling payment requests from the frontend. When a payment is submitted, the backend will use the Stripe Node library to create a payment intent and process the payment through the Stripe API.

Testing the Integration

Once the integration is complete, we can test the payment flow by submitting test payments using the Stripe test card numbers. This will allow us to ensure that the payment processing is working correctly and that users can successfully complete purchases on our ecommerce site.


By integrating the Stripe payment gateway with ReactJS and Node.js, we have created a mini full stack ecommerce project that allows users to make purchases on our site using their credit card. This project demonstrates how to handle payments securely and efficiently using the Stripe API and provides a foundation for building more complex ecommerce applications in the future.

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Harshithrao fitness
7 months ago

Youre nice for sharing your hosting knowledge! Ive experimented with GoDaddy and Bluehost, but Cloudways with TST20 coupoun is the jackpot!

Ramendra Soni
7 months ago

its not mini its tiny project… at least product details for which payment is made should be available to vendor…and still need some extra work, more than one product must be added to cart and be removed as user wish.

7 months ago

Where is Webhook . How system will know that payment has done for particular product

7 months ago


7 months ago

thanks helpfull

7 months ago

Nice tutorial. Thanks

7 months ago

what if we want to store the details like order id, payment id etc in our database. How can we do that?

Nautin Portant
7 months ago

Out of thousands of tutorials and active documentation, all lacked what you have shown me today. Your vid unblocked me for work! Keep on Making!!!!

Mustafa Ashraf
7 months ago

how to take the data to fetch it after success into order page ?

Daniel Owusu
7 months ago

Lifesaver!!!🎉 subscribed🤝🏾

rohan mohanty
7 months ago

Great video 😊

Murtaza Dhariwala
7 months ago

i am getting an error of invalid api key

7 months ago

'PromoSM' 🍀

Dev with Easy
7 months ago

First time showing this channel..
Good work and Earn a subscriber..
Go ahead

Vaibhav Khushalani
7 months ago

pls create one tutorial for subscription management of stripe

Ilham Prayogo
7 months ago

my checkpoint 45:24