Creating a Mobile App Using Python: My Experience

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How I Made A Mobile App With Python

How I Made A Mobile App With Python

Creating a mobile app with Python may seem like a daunting task, but with the right tools and knowledge, it’s definitely possible. I recently undertook the challenge of developing a mobile app using Python, and I’m here to share my experience with you.

Choosing the Right Framework

The first step in creating a mobile app with Python is to choose the right framework. There are several options available, but I decided to go with Kivy, a powerful and flexible framework for creating cross-platform applications. Kivy allows you to write your code once and deploy it on multiple platforms, including iOS and Android.

Learning the Basics

Before diving into the development process, I spent some time learning the basics of Kivy and Python. I familiarized myself with the Kivy documentation and tutorials, and also brushed up on my Python skills. Having a good understanding of the tools and technologies I was working with was crucial to the success of my project.

Writing the Code

Once I felt confident in my knowledge of Kivy and Python, I began writing the code for my mobile app. I started by creating the user interface using Kivy’s built-in widgets and layouts. I then implemented the functionality of the app, such as handling user input and processing data.

Testing and Debugging

After writing the initial code, I thoroughly tested the app to identify and fix any bugs or issues. Kivy provides a handy tool for testing apps on different platforms, which allowed me to ensure that my app worked as expected on both iOS and Android devices. I also made use of Python’s debugging tools to track down and resolve any errors in my code.


Once I was satisfied with the functionality and performance of my mobile app, it was time to deploy it. Kivy provides tools for packaging and distributing applications for various platforms, and I was able to easily package my app for both iOS and Android. I then submitted my app to the respective app stores for review and publication.


Creating a mobile app with Python is definitely a challenging task, but with the right framework and knowledge, it’s also a rewarding one. I learned a lot through the process of developing my mobile app, and I’m proud of the final result. If you’re interested in mobile app development and have some experience with Python, I highly recommend giving Kivy a try.

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6 months ago

Sorry for the late upload! 🙃Had so many things go wrong trying to make this video

6 months ago

But how to ad ads to earn money from this app 🤔

6 months ago

you are amazing. am def subscribing

6 months ago

I can barely understand this at this speed. Talk slower or put this back at normal speed. I'm moving on to another video.

6 months ago

4:57 I think you could use WSL for windows

6 months ago

Can i add ads network in kivymd mobile app?

6 months ago

Gained one more sub

6 months ago

Someone needs to create a VS code plug in for making mobile apps

6 months ago

,please include tutorial

6 months ago

Where is the full tutorial ❤

6 months ago

Please sir create the playlist of kivy I am big fan ❤