Creating a Neumorphic Widget in Kivy Design

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Designing Neumorphism Widget in Kivy

Designing Neumorphism Widget in Kivy

Neumorphism is a popular design trend that has gained traction in recent years. It is a design style that emphasizes a soft, extruded look on objects, creating a sense of depth and realism. Neumorphism has its roots in skeuomorphism and flat design, creating a modern and sleek appearance.

In Kivy, a popular Python library for creating multi-touch applications, you can easily create Neumorphism widgets using simple code. Kivy provides the flexibility and power to create sleek and modern user interfaces with ease.

Creating a Neumorphism Widget in Kivy

To create a Neumorphism widget in Kivy, you can use the BoxLayout, FloatLayout, or any other layout class to organize your UI elements. You can then apply neumorphic design principles to these widgets by using Kivy’s styling options.


rgba: 0.90, 0.90, 0.90, 1
size: self.size
pos: self.pos
radius: [10, ]

In the code snippet, we are creating a simple Widget with a neumorphic design. We set the background color to a light gray and create rounded corners using the RoundedRectangle instruction. This creates a soft, extruded look on the widget, giving it a subtle sense of depth and realism.

Adding Interactivity

In addition to creating neumorphic widgets, you can also add interactivity to your Kivy applications. You can use Kivy’s event handling and multi-touch capabilities to create engaging user interfaces. By combining neumorphic design with interactive elements, you can create modern and sleek user experiences for your applications.


Designing Neumorphism widgets in Kivy is a simple and effective way to create modern and sleek user interfaces for your applications. With Kivy’s flexibility and power, you can easily create neumorphic widgets and add interactivity to your applications. By embracing neumorphic design principles, you can create engaging user experiences that are both modern and visually appealing.

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6 months ago

Great 👍