Creating a Next.js App Router and Draft Mode with Build Time

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Build Time – Next.js App Router and Draft Mode

Build Time – Next.js App Router and Draft Mode

Next.js is a popular framework for building React applications. With the release of version 18, Next.js introduces a new feature called “Build Time – Next.js App Router and Draft Mode.” This feature allows developers to optimize the routing and rendering of their applications at build time, improving performance and user experience.

One of the key benefits of the Build Time – Next.js App Router is the ability to generate optimized routes for pages and components. This means that the router can precompute and statically compile the route configuration, resulting in faster page loads and improved SEO. By using this feature, developers can ensure that their applications are as fast and efficient as possible.

Another important aspect of the Build Time – Next.js App Router is the introduction of Draft Mode. This feature allows developers to work on and preview changes to their applications before they are deployed. With Draft Mode, developers can make changes to their code, see the impact on their application in real-time, and then decide whether to publish those changes or discard them. This can be incredibly useful for iterating on new features, fixing bugs, and ensuring the stability of applications.

To take advantage of the Build Time – Next.js App Router and Draft Mode, developers can use the new next/router API, which provides a more flexible and predictable routing experience. Additionally, they can enable Draft Mode by setting the appropriate environment variables and using the new next/config API to configure their applications.

Overall, the Build Time – Next.js App Router and Draft Mode are valuable additions to the Next.js framework. They provide developers with tools to optimize their applications for performance and to streamline the development process. By taking advantage of these features, developers can ensure that their Next.js applications are fast, reliable, and easy to maintain.

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7 months ago

in the preview mode , new data where will be saved ? i mean before publish the new content , if user click on preview , data is not saved yet , what is getPreviewPostBySlug function do here?

Digital Alchemyst
7 months ago

I am doing pretty much the same thing with sanity and this was still helpfull in getting me past a hump i was stuck on, didnt make it much further than where i was stuck but on to the next hump thanks cosmic.