
Creating a NextJS 13 Application with Firebase Integration and Tailwind CSS

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Build a NextJS 13 App with Firebase & Tailwind CSS

Build a NextJS 13 App with Firebase & Tailwind CSS

NextJS is a popular framework for building modern web applications with React. It provides a great developer experience and has built-in support for server-side rendering, static site generation, and more. In this article, we will learn how to build a NextJS 13 app with Firebase for authentication and Tailwind CSS for styling.


Before we get started, make sure you have the following installed:

  • Node.js
  • NPM or Yarn
  • NextJS 13
  • Firebase account and project
  • Tailwind CSS

Setting up Firebase

First, you’ll need to create a new project in the Firebase console. Once you have your project set up, you can go to the authentication section and enable the authentication method you want to use (e.g., email/password, Google, etc.). Firebase provides detailed documentation on how to set up authentication for your project, so make sure to follow the steps carefully.

Setting up NextJS

To create a new NextJS project, run the following command in your terminal:

npx create-next-app@13 my-next-app

This will set up a new NextJS project with the latest version (13) and all the necessary dependencies. Once the project is created, you can navigate to the project directory and start the development server:

cd my-next-app
npm run dev

Integrating Firebase

To integrate Firebase with your NextJS app, you’ll need to install the Firebase SDK and create a configuration file with your Firebase credentials. You can then use the Firebase SDK to handle user authentication and other Firebase services within your NextJS app.

Integrating Tailwind CSS

To integrate Tailwind CSS with your NextJS app, you’ll need to install the Tailwind CSS package and configure it to work with NextJS. You can then use Tailwind CSS utility classes to style your components and build a beautiful user interface for your app.


Building a NextJS 13 app with Firebase & Tailwind CSS is a great way to create modern web applications with seamless authentication and beautiful styling. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can set up a robust development environment and start building your own NextJS 13 app with Firebase & Tailwind CSS.

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Clickbait Police
7 months ago

16:20 but HOW are we supposed to hide those keys? I tried using environmental variables but the config file doesn’t work without using NEXT_PUBLIC and at that point, it’s not secret anymore

Garrett Rozsa
7 months ago

Amazing tutorial. The only thing wrong with it is that I can't have sex with it. I want to have a sexual relationship with this tutorial.

Diego Barrera
7 months ago

Thanks for this tutorial, it was really easy to understand. You made me realize that she was reading the documentation where she wasn't lol.

New sub, you explain very well.

7 months ago

make sure to use try catch blocks

Stevenson Eugenio
7 months ago

Thank you so much for this tutorial! Do you have a tutorial about fetching data from Firebase using Next.js with dynamic rendering since the getServerSideProps() is not exist in version 13. thank you

Gustavo Eraso
7 months ago

This video is excellent, my language is Spanish, but with the little I understand of English, I was able to follow the tutorial without problems!!! you really helped me!!

7 months ago

One of the best Firebase tutorials.

Manuel Barreiro
7 months ago

This is great Clint! Waiting for more Next.js + TailwindCSS material!

7 months ago

You should do a tip calculator next! with the same stack

7 months ago

Fantastic tutorial

7 months ago

What's the point of using next js if you're gonna put "use client" at the top and fetching data inside the client component, you could have done this in normal react, would have made no difference to performance

Aliaksandr Tsykin
7 months ago

Thank you so much for this tutorial! This was actually my first CRD (almost CRUD) app ever! I really appreciate your effort to make such useful content.

Please, make more simple tutorials on React with Next & Typescript + Firebase 🙏

G. Flores
7 months ago

thanks men, great job !

7 months ago

Sir , your way of teaching is very awesome.. please more project like that, and some more complex project on nextjs

Abdullah Siddiqui
7 months ago

Hey you are using next 13 still used the useeffect to fetch data. Then what's the purpose for using next13 ? You should need to fetch data server side without using useState and useEffect hook.

7 months ago

Perfect Tutoirla, This is very useful for me. Best regard.

Alan Arias
7 months ago

Clint!! As usual, such a great and knowledgeable video!!

Waleed Sharif
7 months ago

How to update items from database? Forgot that?

Waleed Sharif
7 months ago

How should we deploy this to firebase ? That database has rules section and we can have this working for a month and then everytime should set it again for another month… otherwise its not visible

Hesam movahed
7 months ago

what's your snippet extensions? my snippet extensions don't work on next js