
Creating a Portfolio Website Using Gatsby JS

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Build a Portfolio Website with Gatsby JS

Build a Portfolio Website with Gatsby JS

Gatsby JS is a popular open-source framework for building websites and applications. It is based on React and powered by GraphQL, making it a powerful tool for frontend development. In this article, we will look at how you can use Gatsby JS to build a portfolio website.

Step 1: Install Gatsby

The first step to building a portfolio website with Gatsby JS is to install Gatsby on your machine. You can do this by running the following command in your terminal:

npm install -g gatsby-cli

Step 2: Create a New Gatsby Project

Once Gatsby is installed, you can create a new Gatsby project by running the following command:

gatsby new portfolio-site

Step 3: Set Up Your Portfolio Website

After creating a new Gatsby project, you can start setting up your portfolio website by customizing the layout, adding pages, and creating a design that showcases your work. You can use Gatsby’s built-in components and plugins to add functionality such as image galleries, contact forms, and a blog.

Step 4: Add Content

Once the layout and design are in place, you can start adding content to your portfolio website. This can include images of your work, descriptions of your projects, and information about yourself. Gatsby uses GraphQL to query and manage data, so you can easily integrate content from various sources such as markdown files, CMS systems, or APIs.

Step 5: Deploy Your Portfolio Website

After you have built and populated your portfolio website, you can deploy it to a hosting platform such as Netlify, Vercel, or GitHub Pages. Gatsby websites are static sites, which means they are fast and secure, and can be easily hosted on a variety of platforms.


Building a portfolio website with Gatsby JS is a great way to showcase your work and skills as a frontend developer. Gatsby’s flexible and powerful features make it easy to create a professional and functional portfolio website that stands out. With its speed and security, Gatsby is an excellent choice for building and hosting your portfolio website.