Creating a PyQt6 Notepad Clone: Implementing Zoom In, Zoom Out, and Restore Default Zoom – Part 3

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PyQt6 Notepad Clone Part 3

PyQt6 Notepad Clone Part 3 – Zoom In, Zoom Out, Restore Default Zoom

In the previous parts of our PyQt6 Notepad Clone tutorial series, we have covered the basic functionalities of a notepad application such as opening, saving, and editing text files. In this part, we will add the ability to zoom in, zoom out, and restore the default zoom of the text content in our notepad clone.

Zoom In

To implement the zoom in functionality, we will add a menu item or a button in our toolbar that when clicked, will increase the font size of the text content. We can achieve this by connecting the action to a function that modifies the font size of the text editor. Here’s a sample code snippet to implement the zoom in functionality:

def zoom_in(self):
    font = self.textEdit.font()
    font.setPointSize(font.pointSize() + 1)

Zoom Out

Similarly, to implement the zoom out functionality, we will add another menu item or button that when clicked, will decrease the font size of the text content. We can use a similar approach as the zoom in functionality but instead decrease the font size. Here’s a sample code snippet to implement the zoom out functionality:

def zoom_out(self):
    font = self.textEdit.font()
    font.setPointSize(font.pointSize() - 1)

Restore Default Zoom

Lastly, we can implement a function to restore the default zoom of the text content. This function will set the font size back to its original size. Here’s a sample code snippet to implement the restore default zoom functionality:

def restore_default_zoom(self):
    font = self.textEdit.font()
    font.setPointSize(12) # You can set the default font size to any size you want

By implementing these functionalities, users can easily adjust the font size of the text content in our notepad clone according to their preference. As you continue to develop your PyQt6 Notepad Clone, you can further enhance the zoom functionality by adding more options such as zoom levels or presets.