Creating a Python Post Office Pin Code Finder with Flask | Day 21, 2024

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Building a Python Post Office Pin Code Finder with Flask | Day 21 of 2024

Building a Python Post Office Pin Code Finder with Flask

On Day 21 of 2024, we are going to build a Python Post Office Pin Code Finder using the Flask framework. Flask is a lightweight WSGI web application framework in Python that allows you to easily create web applications. In this project, we will create an application that will help users find the pin code of any post office in India.

Setting up Flask

First, we need to install Flask using pip:

pip install Flask

Next, we will create a new Python file for our application and import Flask:

from flask import Flask

Then, we will create a new instance of the Flask class:

app = Flask(__name__)

Creating the Pin Code Finder

Next, we will create a route that will allow users to enter the name of the post office and return the pin code:

@app.route('/find_pincode', methods=['GET'])
def find_pincode():
post_office = request.args.get('post_office')
# code to find the pin code of the post office
return f'The pin code of {post_office} is XXXXXX'

Running the Application

Finally, we will run our Flask application:

if __name__ == '__main__':

Now, users can access our Pin Code Finder by navigating to the URL of our application and entering the name of the post office they want to find the pin code for.

We have successfully built a Python Post Office Pin Code Finder using Flask. This project demonstrates how easy it is to create web applications using Flask and how powerful Python can be for building web applications.