Creating a Python Script with Tkinter GUI to Capture Images Using the Raspberry Pi Camera Module

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Capturing Images with Python Script and Tkinter GUI

Python script with tkinter GUI to capture images from Raspberry Pi Camera Module

Today, we will learn how to create a Python script with a Tkinter GUI to capture images using a Raspberry Pi Camera Module. This project is perfect for beginners who are looking to explore the world of Raspberry Pi and image processing.

To get started, you will need a Raspberry Pi with a Camera Module attached. Make sure your camera module is properly connected to the Raspberry Pi before running the Python script.

First, let’s create the Python script:

    import tkinter as tk
    import cv2
    root = tk.Tk()
    root.title("Image Capture")
    def capture_image():
        cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
        ret, frame =
        cv2.imwrite('captured_image.jpg', frame)
    capture_btn = tk.Button(root, text="Capture Image", command=capture_image)

Next, let’s break down the code:

  • We import the necessary libraries, tkinter for the GUI and cv2 for image processing.
  • We create a Tkinter window with a button to capture the image.
  • When the button is clicked, the capture_image() function is called.
  • The function captures an image from the Raspberry Pi Camera Module and saves it as captured_image.jpg.
  • Finally, the Tkinter window is displayed and the program waits for user input.

Now, let’s run the Python script on your Raspberry Pi. Open a terminal window and type the following command:


Once the script is running, click the “Capture Image” button in the Tkinter window to capture an image using the Raspberry Pi Camera Module. You can find the captured image saved as captured_image.jpg in the same directory as the Python script.

That’s it! You have successfully created a Python script with a Tkinter GUI to capture images from the Raspberry Pi Camera Module. Have fun exploring the possibilities of image processing with your Raspberry Pi!

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4 months ago

I got the error control AFMode is not advertised by libcamera