
Creating a React JS action-puzzle game with JavaScript

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Building a JavaScript Action-Puzzle Game (React JS)

Building a JavaScript Action-Puzzle Game (React JS)

JavaScript is an incredibly versatile programming language that can be used to create a wide range of applications, including action-puzzle games. In this article, we’ll discuss how to build a simple action-puzzle game using React JS, a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces.

Getting Started

Before we can start building our action-puzzle game, we’ll need to set up a new React project. This can be done using the Create React App tool, which provides a quick and easy way to create a new React application with all the necessary dependencies already installed.

To create a new React project, open a terminal window and run the following command:

npx create-react-app action-puzzle-game

This will create a new directory called action-puzzle-game containing all the files and folders needed to start building our game. Once the project has been created, navigate to the new directory and start the development server by running the following command:

cd action-puzzle-game
npm start

Creating the Game Board

Now that our React project is set up, we can start building the game itself. The first step is to create the game board, which will be a grid of squares that the player can interact with. We can do this by creating a new component called GameBoard and rendering it within our main App component.

// GameBoard.js
import React from 'react';
function GameBoard() {
return (

export default GameBoard;

Once the GameBoard component has been created, we can render it within our App component as follows:

// App.js
import React from 'react';
import GameBoard from './GameBoard';
function App() {
return (


export default App;

Implementing Game Logic

With the game board in place, the next step is to implement the game logic. This will involve adding event listeners to the game board so that the player can interact with it, as well as implementing the rules of the game itself.

For example, if we were creating a simple sliding puzzle game, we might listen for click events on the individual squares and move them around the board accordingly. We would also need to keep track of the current state of the game, such as the position of each square, and check for win conditions when the player has completed the puzzle.

Adding Styling and Animations

Finally, to make our action-puzzle game more visually appealing, we can add styling and animations using CSS. We can use CSS to give the game board a distinctive look, and add animations to make the game more engaging for the player.


In this article, we’ve covered the basics of building a JavaScript action-puzzle game using React JS. While the example we’ve provided is simple, the principles we’ve discussed can be applied to more complex games with additional features and functionality.

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6 months ago

Thanks ❤

6 months ago

do you recommend me to use canvas api with react to build games

6 months ago

did u really made all of this with react, I can't believe 😳 as a junior react devoloper this is just insane !

6 months ago

These are fluid animations for just using CSS transforms. Do you think its just as good as canvas in terms of performance and lag?

6 months ago

How come this is not super slow? React is not the fastest library

6 months ago

Oh great, you're back ! Honestly I thought you quited youtube or were dead 🙁 (yeah, am little bit hardcore)

6 months ago

Glad you are back! Love the game, gives me Mad, Bomberman vibes. Happy coding! 🥼

6 months ago

Could you please make the whole series like RPG using reactjs and typescript?
I just commented on the latest video about it kindly check:

Thank you so much

6 months ago

So how long did this end up taking, after scope creep kicked in? 😂Awesome project. Great work!


6 months ago

Awesome game! Love everything about it. It's well thought out and fun. The music is an added bonus, as it makes me want to play even more – it's so addictive

6 months ago

Are the 45 videos teaching how to create the game, the builder or just showing the process of how you created it? I didn't understand if it would be a tutorial to create exactly this game step by step and complete

6 months ago

Very excited for this course! I'm relatively new to Dev. It would be great if you made a 'learn to code in react by making a game' type series. Maybe a space shooter would be fun.

6 months ago

Did you make your sounds? I really love the retro feel, would love to know more about your music and sounds <3

6 months ago

Ciabatta looks pretty tough, gonna have to take him down

6 months ago

Glad to see you're back! I've been trying to get into game development using React and almost thought it was not the right tool for games, this video gave me hope.

Game object approach seems really smart, do you use Zustand or similar library for game states? I'm trying to build a simple clicker game like Clicker Heroes where you click on enemies to deal damage and move to next stage etc.. But I ended up in useEffect hell that reacts to state changes with bunch of setTimeouts that messes up CSS sprite animations.

It somehow works but I don't think its scalable, would you recommend using something like requestAnimationFrame to act as a "game loop" for a simple clicker game? I'm very new to game dev concepts as a web dev and your videos helped a lot, thanks

6 months ago

happy to see you posting again

6 months ago

Wow, you're very welcome back!

6 months ago


6 months ago

Hi! Do you plan working with Vue 3 and TypeScript?
Wish you all the best

6 months ago

wow!! where have you been lately! waited so long