Creating a Real-time Chat App with Authentication APIs using Node.js, React, and

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Real-time Chat App

Real-time Chat App – Authentication APIs in Node.js

Real-time chat applications are becoming increasingly popular in today’s digital age. With the rise of remote work and online communication, the need for real-time chat apps has never been greater. In this article, we will explore how to implement authentication APIs in Node.js for a real-time chat app.

Using React, Node.js, and

For this project, we will be using React for the front-end, Node.js for the back-end, and for real-time communication. React is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, while Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment for server-side programming. is a library that enables real-time, bidirectional and event-based communication between web clients and servers.

Implementing Authentication APIs

Authentication is a critical part of any application, especially when it comes to real-time chat apps. We want to ensure that only authenticated users have access to the chat functionality. To achieve this, we will implement authentication APIs in Node.js.

First, we will create a user model using a database such as MongoDB. This model will store user information such as username, email, and password. We will then use a library like bcrypt to hash and salt the passwords for security.

Next, we will create APIs for user registration and login. The registration API will allow users to create an account by providing a username, email, and password. The login API will authenticate users by verifying their credentials and providing them with a JSON Web Token (JWT) for future authentication.

Integrating with React and

Once the authentication APIs are in place, we can integrate them with our React front-end and back-end. When a user logs in, their JWT will be stored in the browser’s local storage for future authentication. When they access the real-time chat functionality, the JWT will be sent with each request to the server to verify their identity. will handle the real-time communication between users, allowing them to send and receive messages instantly. With the authentication APIs in place, we can ensure that only authenticated users have access to the chat functionality.


Implementing authentication APIs in Node.js is a crucial step in creating a secure and reliable real-time chat app. By using React for the front-end and for real-time communication, we can provide users with a seamless and secure chatting experience. With the rise of remote work and online communication, real-time chat apps are essential for staying connected in today’s digital world.

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7 months ago

I like your way to write the code

7 months ago

This | is called a pipe. The double pipe operator ( || ) is the logical OR operator.
Thanks for the video!

7 months ago

Thank you brother love your videos

Vikram Kumar
7 months ago

genius! explaining in a wonderful way.. i'm subscribing you.. i found a lot of videos related react and node full stack. no one at your level!

Kamlesh Kumar
7 months ago

Thanks a lot brother.. the way you are explaining it, wow!!!!!

Front-end Info
7 months ago

Cannot GET /api/users/register what to do

Front-end Info
7 months ago

Cannot GET /api/users/register what to do

Front-end Info
7 months ago

connect your app this came out what to do ????

7 months ago

it so hard to me

jam jam
7 months ago


Programming Life
7 months ago

Thank you very Much bro,