
Creating a Real-Time Messenger Clone with Laravel 10, Vue 3, Quasar, TypeScript, and Pusher

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Real-Time Full-Stack Messenger Clone

Real-Time Full-Stack Messenger Clone: Laravel 10, Vue 3, Quasar and TypeScript

Are you interested in building a real-time messaging application? Look no further! In this article, we’ll explore how to create a full-stack messenger clone using Laravel 10, Vue 3, Quasar, and TypeScript, with real-time functionality powered by Pusher.

Laravel 10

Laravel is a popular PHP framework known for its elegant syntax and powerful features. With the release of Laravel 10, developers can take advantage of the latest enhancements and improvements, making it an ideal choice for building modern web applications.

Vue 3

Vue 3 is the latest version of the popular JavaScript framework, known for its simplicity and performance. With improved reactivity, a revamped composition API, and better TypeScript integration, Vue 3 offers a powerful toolset for building interactive user interfaces.


Quasar is a high-performance framework that allows you to build responsive and mobile-first applications using Vue. With its extensive component library, pre-built layouts, and customizable theming, Quasar makes it easy to create beautiful and feature-rich applications.


TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that adds static type checking and other advanced features to the language. By using TypeScript, developers can catch potential errors early, improve code maintainability, and enhance the overall development experience.


Pusher is a powerful real-time messaging platform that provides the infrastructure and APIs needed to build scalable and reliable real-time applications. With support for websockets, event broadcasting, and presence channels, Pusher makes it easy to add real-time functionality to any application.


By combining Laravel 10, Vue 3, Quasar, and TypeScript with the real-time capabilities of Pusher, developers can create a feature-rich messenger clone that offers a seamless and interactive user experience. Whether you’re building a chat application, a collaborative workspace, or a social networking platform, this technology stack provides the tools needed to bring your real-time messaging ideas to life.

Thank you for reading! If you have any questions or want to learn more about building real-time applications, feel free to reach out.

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Basar Ökke
7 months ago


When I open the development IP-Adress from quasar cli ony smartphone. I can't access the laravel backend, which is served on local host. Any ideas how to solve this (without deploying to a remote server)? Thanks

Min Khant Naung (LARAVEL)
7 months ago

I am looking for laravel + vue projects. Thanks.

kareem mohamed
7 months ago

hello dear
can i fix this problem ?
Call to a member function chatrooms() on null

this problem appear when i try create a room after click the Add Chat room button

Basar Ökke
7 months ago

Well Project. Well done! 🎉