
Creating a Responsive Header in Angular: A Comprehensive Tutorial and Course

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In this article, we will explore how to create a responsive header in Angular using HTML tags and Angular framework. A header is an essential element of a website that typically contains the site’s logo, navigation menu, and other important information. Making it responsive ensures that it adapts well to different screen sizes, making for a better user experience.

To begin, let’s create a new Angular project by running the following command in your terminal:

ng new responsive-header

Next, navigate to the project directory using:

cd responsive-header

Once inside the project directory, open it in your preferred code editor. We’ll start by creating a new component for our header. In the terminal, run the following command:

ng generate component header

This will generate a new folder called `header` containing the necessary files for our header component. Open the `header.component.html` file and let’s start building our responsive header.

First, let’s add an HTML `nav` element that will contain our navigation menu. Inside the navigation, we can add an unordered list (`ul`) with list items (`li`) for each menu item. Here’s an example:



You can customize the above code by adding your own menu items or styling the navigation menu according to your website’s design.

Next, let’s add the logo to our header. We can use an `img` tag for this purpose. Here’s an example:



Make sure to replace `assets/logo.png` with the path to your actual logo image file.

Now that we have our navigation and logo, let’s style them to make our header responsive. We can achieve this by using CSS media queries to adjust the layout at different screen sizes.

For example, let’s say we want our header to be displayed as a horizontal navigation menu on larger screens (desktop) and as a vertical navigation menu on smaller screens (mobile). We can achieve this by adding the following CSS code:

nav {
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;

ul {
list-style: none;
display: flex;

li {
margin: 0 1rem;

@media screen and (max-width: 768px) {
nav {
flex-direction: column;

li {
margin: 1rem 0;

The above CSS code sets the display properties to `flex` for the `nav` and `ul` elements, making the navigation items appear horizontally. In the media query, we change the `flex-direction` to `column`, which makes the navigation items appear vertically on smaller screens.

That’s it! You have now created a responsive header in Angular using HTML tags and Angular framework. Feel free to customize the header further by adding additional styles and functionality as per your requirements.

Remember to include the header component in your app component or any other component where you want to display the header. You can do this by adding the following code to the corresponding HTML file:



Now you can run your Angular project using the following command:

ng serve

Open your web browser and navigate to `http://localhost:4200`. You should see your responsive header displayed on the page.

In conclusion, creating a responsive header in Angular using HTML tags and the Angular framework is a straightforward process. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily build a responsive header that adapts well to different screen sizes, enhancing the user experience on your website.

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Akila Ekanayake
8 months ago

Thanks for the explanation! Resolved bunch of problems I had

Peachez Programming
8 months ago

Very helpful, thanks for the video!

Shubham Singh
8 months ago

Perfect Tutorial
ty 😀

Fabricio Narváez
8 months ago

Thank you so much!! Great video.

Shutterbug Traveller
8 months ago

Thank you!

Abbey Game Khel
8 months ago

You teach very simple way. Thanks

diabiga soro
8 months ago

code css


padding:12px 0;

background-color: #222;



margin-top: 10px;


.menu ul{

padding: 0;



.menu ul li{

list-style-type: none;

display: inline-block;

margin-left: 24px;

text-transform: uppercase;


.menu ul li a{

list-style: none;

text-decoration: none;

color: #ffffff;


.menu ul li a:hover{

color: #e9c62c;

cursor: pointer;

transition: 0.4s ease-in-out;


@media(max-width: 999px){


position: fixed;

right: -280px;


width: 280px;

height: 100%;

background: #222;

transition: 0.4s ease-in-out;


.menu ul li {

display: block;

text-align: left;

margin: 0;

padding: 10px 0 10px 26px;

border-bottom: 1px solid #312f2f;



display: inline-block;

position: relative;

right: 0;

top: 20 px;


.menu_icon span {

width: 32px;

height: 3px;

background: #ffffff;

display: block;

transition: 0.2s ease-in-out;


.menu_icon span:nth-child(2) {

margin: 4px 0;


.menu_iconClass span:nth-child(2){

display: none;


.menu_iconClass span:nth-child(1){

transform: rotate(40deg);


.menu_iconClass span:nth-child(3){

transform: rotate(-40deg);

margin-top: -3px;



right: 0;

transition: 0.4s ease-in-out;



html code

<div class="container">

<div class="row">

<div class="col-md-3 col-sm-3 col-xs-3">

<div class="logo">

<img src="" alt="logo">



<div class="col-md-9 col-sm-9 col-9 text-end">

<div class="menu_icon" [class.menu_iconClass]="menu_icon_variable" (click)="openMenu()">





<div class="menu" [class.menuClasse]="menuVariable">


<li><a href="#">Accueil</a></li>

<li><a href="#">A propos</a></li>

<li><a href="#">Contact</a></li>

<li><a href="#">Mon compte</a></li>







ts code

constructor() { }

menu_icon_variable: boolean = false;

menuVariable: boolean = false;

ngOnInit(): void {


openMenu() {

this.menuVariable =! this.menuVariable;

this.menu_icon_variable =! this.menu_icon_variable;


Liny mol Salim
8 months ago

How can we close the menu clicking anywhere in the page? Or navigating the page?

8 months ago

Code pls

Lakshmi Durga
8 months ago

Code pls

Gael Nitcheu
8 months ago

very good, thank you for this video

8 months ago

i loved the trick with the rotate for exit icon!

Archana Bhowmick
8 months ago


Sowjanya Priya V
8 months ago

can you show me in angular doctor appointments