Creating a Typewriter Effect with React JS Using Typewriting Animation Hook – A simple approach

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Typewriter Effect in React JS

Typewriter Effect in React JS

React JS is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It offers many features and tools that make it easy to create interactive and dynamic web applications. One such feature is the typewriter effect, which can be used to create an animated typing effect on text in a React app.

Typewriting Animation React Hook

To create a typewriter effect in React, we can use a simple typewriting animation React hook. This hook will allow us to animate text in a way that simulates typing, giving the user an engaging and interactive experience.

Here’s an example of how we can use the typewriting animation React hook in a simple React component:

import React, { useEffect } from ‘react’;
import useTypewriter from ‘typewriter-effect’;

const TypewriterEffect = () => {
const { typewriterText, typewriter } = useTypewriter({
strings: [‘Welcome to Typewriter Effect in React JS’, ‘Create dynamic animations’, ‘Engage your users’],
autoStart: true,
loop: true,

useEffect(() => {
// eslint-disable-next-line
}, []);




export default TypewriterEffect;

In this example, we import the useTypewriter hook from the typewriter-effect library and use it to create a typewriter effect on a header element. We provide an array of strings that the typewriter will animate, set it to auto-start, and loop through the strings continuously.

Simple Typewriting React

Using the useTypewriter hook simplifies the process of creating a typewriter effect in a React app. It handles the animation and timing for us, allowing us to focus on the content and styling of the text being animated.

Overall, the typewriter effect in React JS is a fun and effective way to engage users and bring attention to important text in a web application. It can be used to create dynamic and interactive elements that enhance the user experience.

With the use of the typewriter-effect library and the useTypewriter hook, we can easily incorporate typewriter animations into our React projects and create engaging and interactive user interfaces.

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6 months ago

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