Creating a University Website Project with React JS: Beginner’s Tutorial – PART 1

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React JS University Website Project | Tutorial for Beginners – PART 1

Welcome to the React JS University Website Project Tutorial for Beginners – PART 1

If you are new to React JS and want to start building a real-world project, you have come to the right place. In this tutorial series, we will walk you through the process of creating a university website using React JS.

What is React JS?

React JS is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It allows developers to create reusable UI components, making it easier to build and maintain large-scale applications. React JS is widely used in web development and is known for its performance and flexibility.


Before starting this tutorial, you should have a basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It will also be helpful if you have some familiarity with the command line and version control systems like Git.

Project Overview

In this tutorial series, we will be building a university website with several pages such as home, about, courses, and contact. We will also be using React Router to manage navigation between these pages. Additionally, we will integrate API calls to fetch data and display it on our website.

Getting Started

To get started with this tutorial series, you will need to have Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager) installed on your computer. Once you have them installed, you can create a new React project using Create React App, a tool that sets up a new React project with a single command.

$ npx create-react-app university-website

After creating the project, you can navigate to the project directory and start the development server with the following command:

$ cd university-website
$ npm start

With the development server running, you can open your web browser and visit http://localhost:3000 to see your React app running.

Next Steps

In the next part of this tutorial series, we will start building the different pages of our university website and explore how to manage state and data using React hooks. Stay tuned for more updates!