Creating a Video Streaming App with Next.js, React, Tailwind, Prisma, and TypeScript – The T3 Stack

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Build a Video Streaming App Using The T3 Stack

Build a Video Streaming App Using The T3 Stack

If you want to build a video streaming app, using the T3 Stack – Next.js, React, Tailwind, Prisma, and TypeScript, can be a great approach. These technologies provide the necessary tools and libraries to create a high-performance and modern web application that can handle video streaming efficiently. In this article, we will discuss how to use the T3 Stack to build a video streaming app.


Next.js is a popular framework for building React applications. It provides features like server-side rendering, automatic code splitting, and routing, which can be very beneficial for video streaming apps. With Next.js, you can efficiently render video content on the server, reducing the load on the client’s device and providing faster load times for the user.


React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces, and it works seamlessly with Next.js. You can use React to create the components of your video streaming app, manage state, and handle user interactions. With React, you can build a dynamic and responsive user interface for your video streaming app.


Tailwind is a utility-first CSS framework that can help you style your video streaming app easily and efficiently. With Tailwind, you can quickly create custom designs and layouts for your app without writing custom CSS. Tailwind’s utility classes can streamline the styling process and provide a consistent visual experience across different devices.


Prisma is an open-source database toolkit for TypeScript and JavaScript that can be used to work with databases in your video streaming app. You can use Prisma to define your database models, migrate and seed data, and perform queries and transactions. Prisma can help you manage and interact with the database efficiently and securely.


TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that provides static typing and other advanced features for building large-scale applications. By using TypeScript, you can enhance the robustness and maintainability of your video streaming app. TypeScript can help you catch potential bugs and errors during development and improve the overall quality of your codebase.

In conclusion, using the T3 Stack – Next.js, React, Tailwind, Prisma, and TypeScript – can provide a solid foundation for building a video streaming app. These technologies offer the necessary tools and libraries to create a high-performance and modern web application that can handle video streaming efficiently. By leveraging the capabilities of these technologies, you can build a reliable and scalable video streaming app that provides an exceptional user experience.

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7 months ago

If anyone is having trouble at 1:20:59 i removed "type": "module" from my package.json and then npx prisma db seed. Remember to add "type": "module" back in to package.json after you run the command

7 months ago

Hi Jerome, i am encountering the following error when seeding database i.e., running npx prisma db seed. The only difference from you project is that i am using postgresql in vercel. Please help me to resolve this error asap

Environment variables loaded from .env
Running seed command `ts-node –compiler-options {"module":"CommonJS"} prisma/seed.ts` …
Invalid `prisma.videoEngagement.create()` invocation in

155 );
157 await processInChunks(videoEngagements, 1, (videoEngagement) =>
→ 158 prisma.videoEngagement.create(
Foreign key constraint failed on the field: `VideoEngagement_userId_fkey (index)`
at ii.handleRequestError (D:PROJECTvideo-streamingnode_modules@prismaclientruntimelibrary.js:124:6738)
at ii.handleAndLogRequestError (D:PROJECTvideo-streamingnode_modules@prismaclientruntimelibrary.js:124:6127)
at ii.request (D:PROJECTvideo-streamingnode_modules@prismaclientruntimelibrary.js:124:5847)
at async l (D:PROJECTvideo-streamingnode_modules@prismaclientruntimelibrary.js:129:10023)
at async Promise.all (index 0)
at async processInChunks (D:PROJECTvideo-streamingprismaseed.ts:76:22)
at async main (D:PROJECTvideo-streamingprismaseed.ts:157:3) {
code: 'P2003',
clientVersion: '5.7.0-dev.54',
meta: { field_name: 'VideoEngagement_userId_fkey (index)' }
The seed command has been executed.

Above is the snapshot of the terminal

7 months ago

Wow man you nailed it.

7 months ago

I am following your steps and I am running into all sorts of errors. When I click the sign in button I get this error – "error: error validating datasource `db`: the url must start with the protocol `file:`. –> schema.prisma:14" and I also get this error "EPERM: operation not permitted, unlink 'C:UsersmsebarjrDesktopProjectsstream-sharenode_modules.prismaclientququery_engine-windows.dll.node'"

7 months ago

My upload feature wont work please help

7 months ago

Hi Jerome, loved the course, my first time using the T3-stack but more experienced with other stack, I took a step further with this project by adding features like quick action where a 3-Dot icon is inside the videoCard which when clicked opens options like delete, share and also directly save to their recent playlist quickly,

Created set-Timer options for users when Uploading or Publishing also made sure History doesnt have thesame video twice unlike in urs. Fixed some bugs cause i noticed viewCounts get counted twice instead of ones when a video is opened which tends to affect History.

Loved the course and I must say I learnt some new tricks along the line. Thank You

7 months ago

Is this responsive?

7 months ago

wahouuuu you're amazing

7 months ago

How long did it take to actually write this yourself first? Like solve the problems and struggle through it?

7 months ago

can you please make a system design video on this project it will very helpful for me

7 months ago

Hey Jerome, amazing and useful video 👏👏. I'm just wondering how you guys get these beautiful designs from.

Like i'm a full stack developer and what stops me most of the time from creating apps like this is that I find it hard to find great designs.

7 months ago

make more videos

7 months ago

Hello this is is some serious content. Can you please let me know the prerequisites to start this project. I'm much familiar with databases, express nodejs, Mongo, react.

7 months ago

Subbed, well done my friend 🙌

7 months ago

Hey, haven't watched this yet, but are you using Next v13 with pages or router ?

7 months ago

Trpc syntax is just awful

7 months ago

What service did you used to upload videos. Is it Amazon S3 or theo's Uploadthing.

I have gone through the code but didn't find any details about the object storage service. Please let me know

7 months ago

hey man make a project which uses Aws user cognito, dynomoDB,S3, like some aws service base application, bcz tons of like application already on youtube and udemy,
no doubt this video is good but if u r starting career YT then start with somthing diffrent

7 months ago

Brilliant 👌

7 months ago

This is a really well made course. Thanks so much. Imma start building now 👍