Creating a Weather App in Python with Kivy KivyMD | Part 2: Updating the User Interface

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How to Build a Weather App in Python with Kivy KivyMD | Part 2: Refreshing the User Interface

How to Build a Weather App in Python with Kivy KivyMD | Part 2: Refreshing the User Interface

In the previous part of this tutorial series, we learned how to set up the basic structure of our weather app using Kivy and KivyMD. Now, in part 2, we will focus on refreshing the user interface to display the latest weather data.

Refreshing the User Interface

To refresh the user interface and display the latest weather data, we will need to update the contents of our Kivy widgets. In our Python code, we will fetch the latest weather data and then update the text of our labels and other UI elements to reflect the changes.

First, we need to create a method in our Python code that will be responsible for updating the UI. This method will fetch the latest weather data and then update the text of our labels. We can use Kivy properties to bind the text of our labels to a variable, so that when the variable changes, the UI will automatically update.

def update_weather_data(self):
    # Fetch the latest weather data
    latest_weather_data = fetch_latest_weather_data()
    # Update the text of our labels
    self.temperature_label.text = latest_weather_data['temperature']
    self.conditions_label.text = latest_weather_data['conditions']
    # ... (update other UI elements)


Next, we need to trigger this method to run at regular intervals to ensure that the UI is always displaying the latest weather data. We can use Kivy’s Clock object to schedule this method to run periodically.

from kivy.clock import Clock

# Schedule the update_weather_data method to run every 5 minutes
Clock.schedule_interval(self.update_weather_data, 300)

With these changes, our weather app will now update the user interface to display the latest weather data every 5 minutes. This ensures that the user always has the most up-to-date information at their fingertips.


In this part of the tutorial, we learned how to refresh the user interface of our weather app to display the latest weather data. By creating a method to update the UI and scheduling it to run at regular intervals, we ensure that the user always has access to the most up-to-date weather information. In the next part of the series, we will continue to enhance our weather app with more features and improvements.

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6 months ago

is it possible to display text in urdu font as I try but urdu is displaying in reverse form which become difficult to read? Any solution of this in kivymd