Creating a Youtube Video Downloader with Python Django | DjDownload | Part 1 of Series | HackToCode

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Build a YouTube Video Downloader using Python Django | DjDownload | Part 1 | HackToCode

Build a YouTube Video Downloader using Python Django

Welcome to Part 1 of our series on building a YouTube video downloader using Python Django. In this tutorial, we will start by setting up the project and creating the basic structure for our DjDownload application.


Before we begin, make sure you have the following installed on your machine:

  • Python
  • Django
  • YouTube-dl library

Setting up the project

First, create a new Django project by running the following command in your terminal:

django-admin startproject yt_downloader

Next, navigate into the newly created project directory and create a new app for our video downloader:

cd yt_downloader
python startapp djdownload

Creating the basic structure

Inside the djdownload directory, create a new file called This file will contain the logic for our YouTube video downloader.

Next, open up in the djdownload directory and define the URL patterns for our application.

Finally, create a new HTML template called index.html inside a new directory called templates in the djdownload directory. This template will be used to display the download form to the user.


In this tutorial, we have set up a new Django project and created the basic structure for our DjDownload application. In the next part of this series, we will continue building our YouTube video downloader by implementing the logic to download videos from YouTube.

Stay tuned for Part 2!