Creating an Art Project Using Model-View-Controller (MVC) Architecture

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Art – Creating Art Project Using MVC

Creating Art Project Using MVC

Art is a form of expression that allows us to communicate emotions, ideas, and experiences through various mediums. One way to create art is by using the MVC (Model-View-Controller) design pattern.


The model in MVC represents the data or information that the art project will be based on. This could be a concept, theme, or idea that will be brought to life through the art medium.


The view in MVC represents the visual representation of the art project. This could be a painting, sculpture, digital artwork, or any other form of visual expression that conveys the message of the project.


The controller in MVC acts as the intermediary between the model and the view. It controls the flow of the project, ensuring that the data is properly represented in the visual form.


For example, let’s say we have a project about environmental conservation. The model could be the concept of preserving nature, the view could be a series of photographs showcasing beautiful natural landscapes, and the controller could help us organize and present these photographs in a cohesive and impactful way.


By using the MVC design pattern, artists can effectively plan, organize, and execute their art projects. This allows for a more structured and efficient creative process, resulting in powerful and meaningful artworks that resonate with viewers.

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2 months ago

if anyone having trouble with the "kivymd.create_project" throwing an error *kivymd.create_project: command not found*..
it is because ubuntu can not find that script, because it's location is not in the PATH.

1.) find your ./bashrc file located in the home directory.. (.bashrc is a hidden file. tick the "Show Hidden Files" in the home directory settings)
2.) open the ./bashrc file. scroll down at the very bottom of the .bashrc file then type this command: export PATH=$PATH:/home/put_your_username_here/.local/bin
3.) open your terminal then run the .bashrc file by typing: source ~/.bashrc
4.) now, everytime you open your terminal the location of "kivymd.create_project" script will automatically be added to the PATH
5.) double check if the location is added to the PATH by running this in the terminal:
echo $PATH
6.) output should be something like this:

**make sure to replace the "put_your_username_here" with the username you entered when you installed ubuntu or linux.

thanks again man, seriously! i just know how confusing kivy + linux can be if you're a windows user. just want to make sure everyone can follow 😅