Creating an Authentication Boilerplate with Vue.js Templates (WAB v1)

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WAB v1 | Vue.js Templates: Auth Boilerplate

WAB v1 | Vue.js Templates: Auth Boilerplate

If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to implement authentication in your Vue.js app, then the WAB v1 Vue.js Templates: Auth Boilerplate is the perfect solution. This boilerplate provides you with a pre-built authentication template that you can easily integrate into your Vue.js project, saving you time and effort.


  • Ready-to-use authentication components
  • Integration with popular authentication providers
  • Customizable design and layout
  • Easy integration with Vuex for state management

How to Use

To use the WAB v1 Vue.js Templates: Auth Boilerplate, simply download the template files and integrate them into your Vue.js project. You can then customize the design and layout to fit your app’s branding and user experience. Additionally, you can easily integrate the authentication components with popular authentication providers such as Firebase, Auth0, or your own custom backend.

Getting Started

To get started with the WAB v1 Vue.js Templates: Auth Boilerplate, follow these simple steps:

  1. Download the WAB v1 Vue.js Templates: Auth Boilerplate files
  2. Integrate the template into your Vue.js project
  3. Customize the design and layout to fit your app
  4. Integrate with your preferred authentication provider
  5. Start using the authentication components in your app


The WAB v1 Vue.js Templates: Auth Boilerplate is a great solution for implementing authentication in your Vue.js app. With its ready-to-use components and easy integration with popular authentication providers, you can save time and effort in developing the authentication features of your app. Whether you’re building a small personal project or a large-scale enterprise app, this boilerplate can help you get started quickly and efficiently.

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