Creating an Education and Learning App UI using Python, Kivy, and KivyMD – Part 9 #kivymd

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Education / Learning App UI with Python, Kivy & KivyMD – Part 9 #kivymd

Education / Learning App UI with Python, Kivy & KivyMD

Part 9: Implementing KivyMD Components

In this tutorial, we will continue working on our education/learning app user interface using Python and the Kivy framework. In the previous parts, we have set up the basic structure of the app and added some KivyMD components. Now, it’s time to delve deeper into KivyMD and implement more complex UI elements for our app.

Setting Up KivyMD

Before we start implementing KivyMD components, make sure that you have KivyMD installed in your Python environment. You can install KivyMD using pip:

        pip install kivymd

Implementing a NavDrawer

One of the most useful components in KivyMD is the Navigation Drawer, which allows you to create a side menu for navigation. First, we need to import the necessary modules:

        from import MDApp
        from kivymd.uix.screen import Screen
        from kivymd.uix.navigationdrawer import MDNavigationDrawer

Then, we can create a simple NavDrawer with a list of items:

        class MyNavigationDrawer(MDNavigationDrawer):

        class MainApp(MDApp):
            def build(self):
                screen = Screen()
                nav_drawer = MyNavigationDrawer()
                return screen

        if __name__ == "__main__":

Adding a Toolbar

Next, let’s add a toolbar to our app. The toolbar is a top bar that can contain a title and some action buttons. We can achieve this by using the MDRaisedButton and MDToolbar components:

        from kivymd.uix.toolbar import MDToolbar
        from kivymd.uix.button import MDRaisedButton

        class MainApp(MDApp):
            def build(self):
                screen = Screen()
                nav_drawer = MyNavigationDrawer()
                toolbar = MDToolbar(title="Education App", pos_hint={"top": 1})
                button = MDRaisedButton(text="Button", pos_hint={"center_x": 0.5, "center_y": 0.5})
                toolbar.right_action_items = [["dots-vertical", lambda x: self.callback()]]
                return screen

            def callback(self):
                print("Button pressed!")


By implementing KivyMD components such as Navigation Drawer and Toolbar, we are able to create a more functional and visually appealing user interface for our education/learning app. In the next part, we will continue to explore KivyMD and add more features to our app UI. Stay tuned!

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6 months ago


6 months ago

Your tutorials are really amazing bro

I made a project on this kicy framework

But when I compile my kivy application to apk file it crashed everytime

I tried it several times through google colab and github but it is crashing everytime….

Will you please compile it ??