Creating an Excel Data Entry Form in Python in 10 Minutes No VBA Required | Quick and Easy

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Creating an Excel data entry form using Python without utilizing VBA may seem like a daunting task, but with the right tools and a step-by-step guide, you can accomplish this in just 10 minutes. In this tutorial, we will walk you through the process of creating an Excel data entry form using Python and the openpyxl library.

Step 1: Install the Required Libraries
Before we begin, make sure you have Python installed on your system. You will also need to install the openpyxl library, which is a powerful Python library for interacting with Excel files. You can install it using the following pip command:

pip install openpyxl

Step 2: Create a New Excel Workbook
To create a new Excel workbook, you can use the following code snippet:

from openpyxl import Workbook

wb = Workbook()
ws =
ws.title = "Data Entry Form""data_entry_form.xlsx")

This code will create a new Excel workbook with a sheet named "Data Entry Form" and save it as "data_entry_form.xlsx" in the current directory.

Step 3: Design the Data Entry Form
Next, let’s design the data entry form that will be used to input data into the Excel sheet. You can customize the form as needed by adding input fields, labels, and buttons. Here is a simple example of a data entry form using tkinter:

import tkinter as tk

def submit_entry():
    data = [entry.get() for entry in entry_fields]
    for entry in entry_fields:
        entry.delete(0, tk.END)

root = tk.Tk()
entry_fields = []
fields = ["Name", "Age", "Gender"]

for field in fields:
    row = len(entry_fields)
    label = tk.Label(root, text=field)
    label.grid(row=row, column=0)
    entry = tk.Entry(root)
    entry.grid(row=row, column=1)

submit_button = tk.Button(root, text="Submit", command=submit_entry)
submit_button.grid(row=len(entry_fields), column=1)


In this code snippet, we are creating a simple data entry form using tkinter with input fields for name, age, and gender. When the user clicks the submit button, the data entered in the form will be appended to the Excel sheet.

Step 4: Link the Data Entry Form to the Excel Workbook
To link the data entry form to the Excel workbook, you will need to load the workbook and active sheet using openpyxl. Here is the code snippet to do that:

from openpyxl import load_workbook

wb = load_workbook("data_entry_form.xlsx")
ws =

This code will load the Excel workbook we created earlier and set the active sheet to "Data Entry Form". Now, when you submit data using the data entry form, it will be added to this sheet.

Step 5: Test the Data Entry Form
You can now run the Python script that creates the data entry form and link it to the Excel workbook. Fill out the form with some sample data and click the submit button. You should see the data being added to the Excel sheet.

Congratulations! You have successfully created an Excel data entry form using Python without using VBA. With just a few lines of code and the openpyxl library, you can easily create customized data entry forms for your Excel workbooks. Feel free to customize the form further to suit your needs and make data entry more efficient and user-friendly.

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3 days ago

FANTASTIC video! In the first 3 minutes and 20 seconds you've taught the entire concept of PySimpleGUI. You're really good at this! 💖 the style, the clarity, the animations, and so much more about what you've done.

3 days ago

This is a great video, I do have one question. My df = df.append(values, ingore_index=True) is throwing an AttributeError: 'DataFrame' object has no attribute 'append'. Did you mean: '_append'?

3 days ago

Hi Why should you release your streamlit course from basic to advance level including some Ml projects , deployment projects

3 days ago

Bro, seriously, you are really the god of coding to me , it was the best tutorial i have ever seen

3 days ago

Does it work on Mac?

3 days ago

Can you explain how to read the data from the Excel file

3 days ago

I am getting an error No module named 'PySimpleGUI' altough I installed all the libraries

3 days ago

Wow .very nice video…thanks ..

3 days ago

Very well explained!! Thank you!

3 days ago

hey thanks for the video but ive been stuck for a few hours on my problem. the issue is when i open excel to read the data, all the data is not legible because the column widths are too short. is there an easy way to preset the column widths? currently i have to run two different scrips to do what i want. first i used your method to write data to an excel file, then i used another script i found online to load the information from one excel and then re-size the columns and save it under a new file name. quite tedious

3 days ago

WOW I am impressed. This video is friendly and right to the point. Love it. In 10 minutes I learnt more stuff than reading any book on this topic. Excellent Job!

3 days ago

Love it I already reply this project it work 🎉

3 days ago

i had install PySimpleGUI but it needs license code

3 days ago

I have question which software you use to open .py file? because I am currently using VScode and your tutorial seems not working. the data I entered is not there

3 days ago

This is great! I would like to know if we share the file and employees fill on their desktop if the information start updating on its own

3 days ago

are you using pycharm in the video?

3 days ago


3 days ago

I was looking for a way to get data from and Excel file to use in an online web form filling. I've done this successfully using Power Automate Desktop but now I don't have a license. Looked at AHK but without the coding skill it's beyond my scope for now. Watched your video using chatGPT to write Python automation BUT I guess this is a bit more challenging as each input field needs to be mapped in Python. How deep would this be?

3 days ago

This tutorial seems awesome… but I've straight up never been able to get Python working. I install modules… and then get told they're not installed. I try again… and am told they already exist LOL. Barriers like this are why I've just always stuck with Javascript.

3 days ago

I am a novice, and I need guidance on how to install the Command Prompt. The Windows Command Prompt returns errors only. Thank you.
BTW. Great job! Straight to the point, and it is exactly what I needed. Regrettably, I am not a programmer and I have difficulties to install the tools to code and follow your instructions. Thanks again.

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