Creating an Image Slider in React JS in Under 8 Minutes

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How to Create an Image Slider in React JS

How to Create an Image Slider in React JS in Just 8 Minutes!

Creating an image slider in React JS can seem daunting at first, but with the right guidance, it can be done in just 8 minutes! Follow the steps below to create your very own image slider in React JS.

Step 1: Install React JS

If you haven’t already installed React JS, you can do so by running the following command in your terminal:

npm install -g create-react-app

Step 2: Create a New React App

Once React JS is installed, create a new React app by running the following command:

create-react-app image-slider

Step 3: Set Up the Image Slider Component

Inside the src folder, create a new file called ImageSlider.js. In this file, you can set up the basic structure of the image slider component.

import React from 'react';

const ImageSlider = () => {
return (

Image Slider

{/* Add your image slider code here */}


export default ImageSlider;

Step 4: Add Images to the Slider

Inside the ImageSlider.js file, add the images that you want to display in the slider using the img tag.

Image 2
Image 3

Step 5: Style the Image Slider

Add CSS styles to your image slider to make it look visually appealing. You can do this by creating a separate CSS file or by adding the styles directly to the ImageSlider.js file.

// Add your CSS styles here

Step 6: Use the Image Slider Component

In your main App.js file, import and use the ImageSlider component to display the image slider on your website.

import React from 'react';
import ImageSlider from './ImageSlider';

function App() {
return (

Your React App


export default App;

Step 7: Test Your Image Slider

Run your React app using the following command to check if your image slider is working properly:

npm start

Step 8: Customize and Enhance Your Image Slider

Once your basic image slider is up and running, you can customize it further by adding animations, navigation buttons, and other features to enhance the user experience.

By following these 8 simple steps, you can create an image slider in React JS in just 8 minutes! Have fun experimenting with different images and styles to make your image slider truly unique.

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6 months ago

// Slider.jsx

import 'react-slideshow-image/dist/Slider.css'

import { Fade } from 'react-slideshow-image'

import React from 'react';

import slide1 from '../assets/images/slide1.jpg';

import slide2 from '../assets/images/slide2.jpg';

import slide3 from '../assets/images/slide3.jpg';

import slide4 from '../assets/images/slide4.jpg';

// import './Slider.css'; // Import the specific CSS file

const images = [

{ url: slide1, caption: 'Caption 1' },

{ url: slide2, caption: 'Caption 2' },

{ url: slide3, caption: 'Caption 3' },

{ url: slide4, caption: 'Caption 4' },


const divStyle = {

display: 'flex',

alignItems: 'center',

justifyContent: 'center',

height: '400px',

backgroundSize: 'cover',


const spanStyle = {

fontSize: '20px',

background: '#efefef',

color: '#0000000',


function Slider() {

return (

<div className='slide-container'>


{, index) => (

<div key={index}>

<div style={{ …divStyle, backgroundImage: `url(${image.url})` }}>

<span style={spanStyle}>{image.caption}</span>








export default Slider;

6 months ago

Well explained!

6 months ago

Not coming it comes an error

6 months ago

Thankyou ❤ very much bro Love From India

6 months ago

how can i use my local imgs

6 months ago

Styles.css is separate file ???

6 months ago

How can we cange the position of the button slide button ? I want some margin on both sides

6 months ago

hi can i get the source code?

6 months ago


6 months ago
