
Creating an Instagram Clone with ReactJS, Redux, and Firebase: A Guide to Building Authentication, Login, and Signup

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How to build Authentication/Login/Signup with ReactJS, Redux and Firebase (Instagram Clone)

How to build Authentication/Login/Signup with ReactJS, Redux and Firebase (Instagram Clone)

If you want to build an Instagram clone with ReactJS, Redux and Firebase, one of the key features you’ll need to implement is authentication/login/signup functionality. In this article, we’ll walk through the steps to build this feature using the aforementioned technologies.

Step 1: Set up Firebase

First, you’ll need to create a Firebase project and set up authentication with email/password and/or social logins, such as Google or Facebook. Once you’ve set this up in the Firebase console, you’ll need to install the Firebase SDK in your ReactJS project.

Step 2: Create the Login/Signup Forms

Using ReactJS, you’ll need to create a login form and a signup form. You can use libraries like Formik or react-hook-form to easily manage form state and validation. Be sure to connect your forms to the Firebase authentication methods and handle the submission of the forms accordingly.

Step 3: Implement Redux for State Management

Redux is a popular state management library for ReactJS applications. You’ll want to set up a Redux store, reducers, and actions to manage the user authentication state. When a user logs in or signs up, you’ll dispatch actions to update the state in the Redux store.

Step 4: Create Protected Routes

Once a user is authenticated, you’ll want to create protected routes for certain pages in your app, such as the user’s profile or the feed. You can use the privateRoute higher order component to handle this in ReactJS, and use the Redux state to check if the user is authenticated before allowing access to these routes.

Step 5: Create a Navbar with Login/Signup Links

Finally, you’ll want to create a navbar component with links to the login and signup pages. You can use conditional rendering based on the user’s authentication state to either show the sign out button or the login and signup links.


Building authentication, login, and signup functionality for an Instagram clone using ReactJS, Redux, and Firebase is a crucial step in creating a full-fledged social media application. By following the steps outlined in this article, you’ll be well on your way to creating a seamless user experience for your users.

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6 months ago

We will add more functions in to this build in the other videos, so make sure ti subscribe.

6 months ago

I'm waiting part 3

6 months ago

Thank You so much For the awesome and importantteaching plus topic u have covered

6 months ago

Thank you. Can I connect you on Linkedin?

6 months ago

I haven't started the video but I want to be sure if this app saves user data while sign up and fetch again while login, and I am talking about data like profile data (user likes, user followers and username etc.) which don't get saved in users database

6 months ago

please upload this next part asap

6 months ago

I just completed the project and I want to say that I have learned so many things through this project .Thank you & waiting for the video where more functions will add.

6 months ago

when the next part will come
sir i making my project using your video please release next part asap

6 months ago

If anyone is having issues with the login feature, add event as a parameter to handleLogin, then add event.preventDefault();
Great video, thank you!

6 months ago

Question, in your firebase configuration file – Why does getAuth not receive anything for example -> getAuth(app). Currently, it's getAuth().

6 months ago

can you please upload next video on this topic

6 months ago


6 months ago

Well done, very nice. Can you tell us how to withdraw data from Facebook accounts, my friend?

6 months ago

Good job👏