
Creating an MVP Idea with YouTube AI Analytics in Just 7 Days

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Coding an MVP Idea in 7 Days

How I Coded an MVP Idea in 7 Days

Have you ever had a great idea for a startup but didn’t know where to start? That’s exactly how I felt when I came up with the concept for YouTube AI analytics.

YouTube is a platform with billions of users and millions of content creators. With so much data being generated every second, it’s a goldmine for analytics. I wanted to create a tool that could analyze YouTube videos and provide insights for content creators to optimize their performance.

But with a full-time job and limited coding experience, I knew that I needed to move fast if I wanted to turn my idea into a reality. So I set myself a challenge: to code a minimum viable product (MVP) for YouTube AI analytics in just 7 days.

Day 1: Planning and Research

I started by researching existing YouTube analytics tools and understanding the YouTube API. I also outlined the key features I wanted to include in the MVP and created a roadmap for the week ahead.

Day 2-5: Development

With a clear plan in place, I dove into coding. I used HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build a simple web interface for users to input a YouTube video URL and view basic analytics such as views, likes, and comments.

Day 6: Testing and Bug Fixing

I spent the penultimate day testing the MVP and fixing any bugs or issues that arose. I also asked some friends to try out the tool and provide feedback on its usability.

Day 7: Refinement and Deployment

On the final day, I made some final tweaks to the user interface and added some additional features based on the feedback I received. Then, I deployed the MVP to a live server and shared it with the world.


By the end of the 7 days, I had a working MVP for YouTube AI analytics. While it was far from perfect, it was a solid starting point and a great proof of concept for my idea. It was an intense week of coding, but it was incredibly rewarding to see my idea come to life in such a short time frame.

If you have a startup idea that you’re passionate about, don’t be afraid to dive in and start coding. With a clear plan and determination, you can achieve amazing things in a short amount of time.

Thank you for reading!

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6 months ago

This is so cool. I feel like I'm falling so far behind!!

6 months ago

I got this video recommended to me.

6 months ago

How do you make that grid background on your front end? I really like that design!

6 months ago

This is amazing!!!

6 months ago

Wow that's fast do you use copilot to generate code?

6 months ago

Woah, super exciting project 🤩

6 months ago

Great job 👏

6 months ago


6 months ago

This thumbnail is misleading. I thought this video would be about the YouTube Analytics API but it's not
Specifically, I need a way to know how much time the user has spent watching each channel in a given day