Creating and Deploying a Comprehensive Django API on Linode | Learn to Code with Tomi

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Build And Deploy A Full Django API on Linode | Code With Tomi

Build And Deploy A Full Django API on Linode

Welcome to this tutorial on how to build and deploy a full Django API on Linode. In this tutorial, we will go through the steps to create a Django API from scratch and deploy it on a Linode server.

Step 1: Set Up Your Linode Server

The first step is to set up your Linode server. You can sign up for an account on Linode and create a new Linode server. Once your server is up and running, you can SSH into it and install the necessary dependencies for Django.

Step 2: Create a Django Project

Next, you will need to create a new Django project on your Linode server. You can use the Django command line tool to create a new project and start building your API. Make sure to set up your database and install any additional packages you may need.

Step 3: Build Your API Endpoints

Once your Django project is set up, you can start building your API endpoints. Create serializers, views, and URLs to handle requests and responses from your API. You can test your API locally before deploying it to your Linode server.

Step 4: Deploy Your Django API on Linode

Finally, it’s time to deploy your Django API on Linode. You can use a service like Gunicorn and Nginx to serve your Django project and make it accessible to the outside world. Make sure to set up any necessary security measures to protect your API.


Building and deploying a full Django API on Linode is a great way to create powerful web applications. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you can create a robust API and make it accessible to users around the world. Happy coding!

Written by Code With Tomi

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2 months ago

tomi how do you kill the running port incase you are editing the website