
Creating and Launching a Fullstack Reddit Clone with Next.js 13, React, Tailwind, Authentication, Prisma, and MySQL

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Build and Deploy a Fullstack Reddit Clone: Next.js 13, React, Tailwind, Auth, Prisma, MySQL

Reddit is a popular social media platform that allows users to discuss and vote on content. Building a Reddit clone can be a great learning experience in web development. In this article, we will go through the process of building and deploying a full-stack Reddit clone using the latest technologies like Next.js 13, React, Tailwind CSS, Authentication, Prisma, and MySQL.

Setting up the Development Environment

To start building our Reddit clone, we need to set up our development environment. Here are the steps:

  1. Install Node.js and npm if you haven’t already.
  2. Create a new directory for your project and navigate to it using the terminal or command prompt.
  3. Initialize a new npm project by running the command npm init and following the prompts.
  4. Install the required dependencies by running the command npm install next react react-dom tailwindcss prisma mysql.
  5. Configure Next.js by creating a next.config.js file in the root of your project and adding any necessary configurations.

Creating the Frontend with Next.js and React

Next.js is a popular framework for building React applications. It provides several features like server-side rendering, automatic code splitting, and easy routing. Here’s how we can create the frontend:

  1. Create a new directory called pages in the root of your project.
  2. Create a new file called index.js inside the pages directory. This will be our homepage.
  3. Start writing your React code in the index.js file, creating components and pages as needed.
  4. Use Tailwind CSS to style your components and pages. Import the necessary stylesheets and apply classes to your HTML elements.
  5. Utilize any necessary functionality like user authentication using Next.js built-in authentication or third-party libraries.
  6. Test your frontend by running the command npm run dev and opening up your browser to http://localhost:3000.

Implementing Authentication with Next.js

Authentication is an essential part of any social media platform. Next.js provides built-in authentication features that make it easy to set up user registration, login, and authentication. Here’s how you can implement authentication in your Reddit clone:

  1. Create a new file called api/auth.js in the root of your project.
  2. Implement server-side functions for user registration, login, and authentication using Next.js built-in authentication or third-party libraries.
  3. Create API routes in Next.js to handle user requests like registration, login, and logout.
  4. Secure your API routes by checking for authenticated users using middleware or other authentication mechanisms.

Integrating Prisma and MySQL for Data Storage

Prisma is an open-source database toolkit that simplifies database access and management. We will use Prisma with MySQL to handle data storage for our Reddit clone. Here’s how to integrate Prisma and MySQL:

  1. Create a new file called prisma/schema.prisma in the root of your project.
  2. Define your database schema using Prisma’s schema definition language.
  3. Run the Prisma migration command npx prisma migrate dev to create the necessary database tables.
  4. Use Prisma’s generated client to interact with your database and perform CRUD operations.

Deploying Your Reddit Clone

Once you have built your Reddit clone, it’s time to deploy it to a production environment. Here are some steps to follow:

  1. Choose a hosting provider that supports Node.js applications.
  2. Prepare your application for deployment by running the command npm run build.
  3. Upload your built application to your hosting provider, making sure to configure any necessary environment variables.
  4. Configure your server to run your application using Node.js.
  5. Test your deployed application to ensure everything is functioning as expected.


Building a Reddit clone using Next.js 13, React, Tailwind CSS, Authentication, Prisma, and MySQL can be a challenging but rewarding experience. It allows you to learn and utilize the latest technologies in web development to create a functional and modern social media platform. By following the steps outlined in this article, you should be able to build and deploy your own full-stack Reddit clone.

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Josh tried coding
1 year ago

Man I'm really happy to hear you guys enjoy these long projects so much. This video was ridiculous amounts of work but seeing these positive reactions is such a sincere appreciation of that. Cheers.
Discord for questions & answers: https://discord.gg/4vCRMyzgA5

GitHub: https://github.com/joschan21/breadit

younes maarouf
1 year ago

The best tutor

Toby Grease
1 year ago

Hey Josh! Your work is just amazing! Learned so much with your Tutorial.

I used it to dive deeper into a private project 🙂 and of course I faced with some questions and obstacles.

Maybe you got some hints or best practices for me?

In my EditUI for updating a customer (a model I used in my project) I got the data of the customer via direct access to the db with prisma inside the server side Page-Component. After updating the customer I redirect the user to the Customers list which I get via react-query inside the list component. The list is always up to date. All is fine. React query is great here!

But when i navigate back into the edit customer form (which is an own client component) the data is not updated. I have to hard reload the editUI or refresh the router after updating the data inside my api route. But I think it is not a very elegant way to do it.

It seems to me like prisma is not fetching new or revalidated data if you navigate via browser but only if you hard refresh the page.

Any hints or practices for me how to solve it? I already thought about getting the customers data inside the editUI form via react-query too but so I only have the new data inside the form component. My header of the editUI has the name of the customer too and this way needs me to got the name via query again… everything is not very elegant in some way.

It would be great if we can exchange some knowledge here! 🙂

At least again: Great work! Keep going!!

1 year ago

Amazing video i am wondering to use in real time , do i need to add security features or is this aready secure ?

1 year ago

And it's still better than Lemmy

1 year ago

I have not seen a single NextJS video with this good coding practice. Industry standard ! Subscribed!

1 year ago

Is there any delete post/community feature? Or authorization for delete access?

Yahya Umar
1 year ago

Great video! Any plans for a Next.js inventory management tutorial? Your Next.js tutorials are fantastic, and I'd love to see one on this topic!

1 year ago

4:52:42 I don't know why the page can only be accessed with a logged-in user. I don't understand the code to achieve that

Mohamed Sobhy
1 year ago

Thank you so much man, I learned a lot from you

Woody Chang
1 year ago

So many thanks, Josh! I've learned a lot from this long video. Such a marathon but totally worth it!

Michael Mecil
1 year ago

amazing….course 🎉, amazing tools for editorJS and react-query……useMutation is powerful!

Tom de Visser
1 year ago

I really appreciate the effort of making these videos, but you skip over so much it gets kind of frustrating, especially when encountering it halfway in. The entire Google thing in the auth chapter for example. Besides that, I feel like I'm not learning anything reusable, just copying what you're doing, but with little to no explanation on why you're doing it and how we would figure out how to do the same thing without you telling us.

I would personally rather see videos that cover less, but cover it better. It doesn't matter if you spend 2 hours on Auth if that would mean we'd really understand what's going on. What are the callbacks doing in the NextAuth function? What is the PrismaAdapter doing? Why are you building a check to not have multiple clients in development, and does it not matter on production? Why not? The Prisma models you copied over from the documentation, why not go over them 5-10 minutes instead of saying "they're not that important cause they come from the docs"?

I hope you can appreciate the feedback and try to incorporate it in your next videos. Lots of potential with your knowledge. Thanks again. 🙂

M Sanjay
1 year ago

Hey guys, Where is the typescriptreact.json,

serhat koroglu
1 year ago

man that's great thanks a lot!

Ally | Guitar
1 year ago

I'll start this one asap, looks fantastic. Good job man!

mingxin dong
1 year ago

Can't find a reason not to sub

Sankalp Singha
1 year ago

Just for everyone's reference, the google callback URL should be localhost:PORT/api/auth/callback/google in the google console. Else it would give an error.

1 year ago

When I deploy I get cors error? Is it only a problem of mine?

Elijah Aaron Dayon
1 year ago

I had to stop at 1:15:26 because it does not accept prepaid visa, which is a requirement to pass a fraud test. I guess I will be back next year…