Creating and Reading DocX Files in Python

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How to Create and Read DocX files with Python

How to Create and Read DocX files with Python

Python is a powerful programming language with a rich set of libraries that can be used to create and read DocX files. DocX is a file format used by Microsoft Word to store documents. In this article, we will show you how to use Python to create and read DocX files.

Creating DocX files with Python

To create a new DocX file with Python, you first need to install the ‘python-docx’ library. You can install it using pip:

pip install python-docx

Once you have installed the library, you can then use it to create a new DocX file. Here is an example code snippet that demonstrates how to create a simple DocX file:

from docx import Document

doc = Document()
doc.add_paragraph('Hello, this is a sample DocX file created with Python.')'sample.docx')

This code snippet creates a new DocX file called ‘sample.docx’ with the text ‘Hello, this is a sample DocX file created with Python.’

Reading DocX files with Python

To read an existing DocX file with Python, you can use the ‘python-docx’ library. Here is an example code snippet that demonstrates how to read the text content of a DocX file:

from docx import Document

doc = Document('sample.docx')
for paragraph in doc.paragraphs:

This code snippet reads the text content of the ‘sample.docx’ file and prints it to the console.

With the ‘python-docx’ library, you can perform various operations on DocX files, such as adding tables, images, and styles. You can refer to the official documentation for more information on the available features and usage.

Now that you know how to create and read DocX files with Python, you can use this knowledge to automate document generation or processing tasks in your projects.

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