Creating Background Jobs with Next.js and Inngest: A Step-by-Step Guide

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How to create background jobs with Next.js and Inngest

How to create background jobs with Next.js and Inngest

In this article, we will discuss how to create background jobs with Next.js and Inngest. Background jobs are essential for handling long-running tasks such as data processing, file uploads, and sending emails without affecting the user experience of the application.

Step 1: Install Inngest

First, you need to install Inngest, which is a job queue and scheduler for Node.js. You can install it using npm or yarn:

npm install inngest

yarn add inngest

Step 2: Set up Inngest in Next.js

Next, you need to set up Inngest in your Next.js project. You can create a new file called jobs.js and import Inngest:

import { createQueue } from 'inngest';

Then, you can create a new queue for background jobs:

const queue = createQueue('background-jobs');

Step 3: Define background job functions

Next, you can define functions for your background jobs. For example, you can create a function to process data:

const processData = async (data) => {
// Process data here

Step 4: Enqueue background jobs

Now, you can enqueue background jobs using the queue you created earlier. For example, you can enqueue the processData function:

queue.addJob(processData, { data: 'some data' });

Step 5: Start the Inngest worker

Finally, you need to start the Inngest worker in your Next.js project to process the enqueued background jobs:

import { startWorker } from 'inngest';


That’s it! You have now successfully created and processed background jobs with Next.js and Inngest.

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6 months ago

Awesome bro! The idea is nice !

6 months ago

Do you really believe that "revalidatePath" works ?

6 months ago

Love your content and channel! Thank you so much. Mind if I ask you for the database schema? I'm having some trouble creating an idea and getting this annoying error:

– error apppage.tsx (27:30) @ $$ACTION_1

– error Error: Failed to generate idea

at $$ACTION_1 (./app/page.tsx:78:31)

25 | .single();

26 |

> 27 | if (!generatedIdea) throw new Error("Failed to generate idea");

| ^

28 |

29 | const inngest = new Inngest({

30 | name: "Blog Post Generator",

6 months ago

Cool video. Didn’t understand inngest until I watched. I have a lot of appreciation for people who can make tech videos in their second language. Nice job.

6 months ago

Hi , As you expert in Next js I have question for rating limit api route in Next js 13 , How I can implement it ?
I have endpoint send request to openAI I want to rate limit to 5 times then wait 5 min then user can send request to endpoint

6 months ago

As always, great video 👍

6 months ago


6 months ago

Wow this is insane , the way when you saving request until get handled 🤯
Thank you for this epic ideas 👏🏻