
Creating Components in React: A Guide – Part 3 of React Interview Questions with #codewithsimon 16 #reactjs

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How to create components in React

How to create components in React

When working with React, one of the key concepts to understand is the creation of components. Components are the building blocks of a React application, and they can be thought of as individual pieces of the user interface that can be reusable and modular. In this article, we will discuss how to create components in React.

Class Components

In React, there are two main ways to create components: class components and functional components. Class components are created using ES6 classes and they have the ability to maintain their own state. Here is an example of a simple class component:

			class Welcome extends React.Component {
			  render() {

Hello, {this.props.name}

; } }

Functional Components

Functional components, on the other hand, are created using JavaScript functions. They are simpler and more lightweight compared to class components, and they do not have their own state. Here is an example of a simple functional component:

			function Welcome(props) {

Hello, {props.name}

; }

Creating Reusable Components

Once you have created your components, you can use them throughout your application by simply importing them and then using them within other components or in your main App component. This allows for better organization and reusability of your code.


Creating components is a fundamental aspect of working with React, and understanding how to create and use components effectively is essential for building a successful React application. By using class components and functional components, you can create a modular and reusable user interface that is easy to maintain and expand upon.

With the knowledge of how to create components in React, you are now better equipped to build powerful and dynamic user interfaces. Happy coding!